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发布时间:2019-06-14 04:59
【摘要】:微观世界的发现,让科技步入新的篇章,纳米科技的发展,让相关领域焕发出新的生机。纳米科技与材料学结合产生的纳米材料学受到科学界的广泛关注。移动互联时代及电动车时代的到来对储能器件提出了更高的要求,寻找到性能更优良的新型储能材料,构造更适合的器件结构是关键所在。可穿戴移动数码产品和柔性电子器件的发展使得柔性储能器件的研发备受瞩目。本论文中,我们对硅基纳米材料形成的新型结构电极和新型结构的柔性超级电容器件进行了研究,主要内容如下: (1)以碳布为基底,通过化学气相沉积法(CVD)在上面合成核壳结构的Si@SiO2纳米线,纳米线缠绕在纤维上,形成电缆结构的新型硅基电极。 (2)直接以电缆结构电极为负极进行锂电池的封装和测试。基于该电极的半电池表现出高容量,好的倍率性能和极佳的循环稳定性能。基于此电极的全电池也表现出优良的储能性能,并轻易点亮不同颜色的LED灯珠,展示其实用性能。 (3)将ZnCo2O4纳米线阵列复合碳纤维的电极在PET上进行排列,银浆固定形成插指状的新型柔性平板集成的纤维超级电容器。这种柔性电容器件展示了高效率、长寿命及优良的柔韧性能。且,在对其电极根数对电容器性能的影响的研究中发现存在增强的分布电容效应。这个发现对此类器件的研究有个重要的推动作用,为以后设计结构、尺寸、容量更加合理的电容器件提供了参考。
[Abstract]:The discovery of microcosmic world makes science and technology enter a new chapter, and the development of nanotechnology makes the related fields radiate new vitality. Nanomaterials, which are produced by the combination of nanotechnology and material science, have been widely concerned by the scientific community. The era of mobile interconnection and electric vehicle have put forward higher requirements for energy storage devices. It is the key to find new energy storage materials with better performance and construct a more suitable device structure. With the development of wearable mobile digital products and flexible electronic devices, the research and development of flexible energy storage devices has attracted much attention. In this thesis, we have studied the new structural electrodes formed by silicon-based nanomaterials and the new flexible supercapacitor devices. The main contents are as follows: (1) using carbon cloth as substrate, Si@SiO2 nanowires with core-shell structure were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The nanowires were wound on the fiber to form a new type of silicon-based electrode with cable structure. (2) the lithium battery is packaged and tested directly with the negative electrode of cable structure. The semi-battery based on the electrode shows high capacity, good rate performance and excellent cycle stability. The whole battery based on this electrode also shows excellent energy storage performance, and easily lights up LED lamp beads of different colors to show its practical performance. (3) the electrodes of ZnCo2O4 nanowire array composite carbon fiber were arranged on PET, and the silver paste was fixed to form a new type of flexible plate integrated fiber supercapacitor. This flexible capacitor device shows high efficiency, long life and excellent flexibility. Moreover, it is found that there is an enhanced distributed capacitance effect in the study of the effect of the number of electrode roots on the performance of capacitors. This discovery plays an important role in promoting the research of this kind of devices, and provides a reference for the design of capacitor devices with more reasonable structure, size and capacity in the future.


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