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发布时间:2019-06-20 06:20
【摘要】:滨海燃煤电厂经常配套卸煤码头,温排水扩散、泥沙淤积和波浪防护是制约码头工程与取排水工程的运营与维护的三大因素。温排水扩散引起的取水温度升高会降低机组的效率,甚至由于过度的热回归效应而导致停机。环境的限制性要求是热扩散范围和程度的另一指标。温排水扩散问题涉及到取排水平面布置、防波堤长度、取水型式与长度、排水型式与长度等,是工程的一个核心技术问题。 温排水的模拟研究主要有物理模型和数学模拟两种手段,与港口工程的其他研究一样,两种方法各有优劣。数学模型基于流场的模拟,其二、三维模拟技术目前都比较成熟。对应于实际应用和自然条件,如何快速估算温排水的影响和如何提高参数的精度是目前温排水模拟比较缺乏的两个方面。本文在列举几个实例的基础上,结合共8个电厂的模拟对上述两个方面进行研究,主要研究成果如下: (1)数学模型工程应用研究 系统介绍三种计算模式的二维温排水数学模型,并分别引用工程实例进行了阐述。 考虑温度变化对流体密度的影响,建立了三维温排水k紊流模型,,结合印尼吉利普多2×125MW_燃煤电厂的工程实例进行阐述。 (2)物理模型工程应用研究 结合汕头市“上大压小,改煤压油”600MW_燃煤发电工程冷却水工程,利用交通部天津水运工程科学研究所海岸动力及环境试验厅75×42m大型港池,对工程涉及的潮流温升问题进行了物理模拟。 (3)温排水扩散规律研究与估算方法 考虑热容量大小、潮流强弱与方向特征、波浪的大小与周期、水域开敞度与水深几个主要因素对扩散影响,以及热量在上下边界的自然耗散,推导热扩散快速计算方法,并用多个工程模拟实例进行验证。
[Abstract]:Coastal coal-fired power plant is often equipped with coal unloading wharf, temperature drainage diffusion, sediment deposition and wave protection are the three major factors restricting the operation and maintenance of wharf engineering and drainage project. The increase of water intake temperature caused by warm drainage diffusion will reduce the efficiency of the unit, and even lead to shutdown due to excessive thermal regression effect. The restrictive requirements of the environment are another indicator of the scope and extent of thermal diffusion. The problem of warm drainage diffusion involves the layout of drainage plane, the length of breakwater, the type and length of water intake, the type and length of drainage, etc., which is a core technical problem in engineering. There are two main methods in the simulation of warm drainage: physical model and mathematical simulation. Like other studies in port engineering, the two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. The mathematical model is based on the simulation of flow field. Second, the three-dimensional simulation technology is relatively mature at present. Corresponding to practical application and natural conditions, how to quickly estimate the influence of warm drainage and how to improve the accuracy of parameters are two aspects of the lack of warm drainage simulation at present. On the basis of enumerating several examples, this paper studies the above two aspects combined with the simulation of 8 power plants. The main research results are as follows: (1) the two-dimensional temperature drainage mathematical models of three calculation models are introduced by the mathematical model engineering application research system, and the engineering examples are cited to illustrate them respectively. Considering the influence of temperature change on fluid density, a three-dimensional thermal drainage k turbulence model is established, which is described with an engineering example of 2 脳 125MW _ coal-fired power plant in Jilipu, Indonesia. (2) the application research of physical model engineering combined with the cooling water project of 600MW _ coal-fired power generation project with "high pressure and small coal pressure" in Shantou City, using 75 脳 42m large port pool of coastal power and environmental test department of Tianjin Institute of Water Transportation Engineering Science of Ministry of Communications, the problem of tidal current temperature rise involved in the project is physically simulated. (3) the research and estimation method of thermal drainage diffusion law takes into account the effects of heat capacity, tidal current strength and direction, wave size and period, water openness and water depth on diffusion, as well as the natural dissipation of heat at the upper and lower boundaries. The rapid calculation method of thermal diffusion is deduced and verified by several engineering simulation examples.


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