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发布时间:2019-07-09 17:12
【摘要】:目前有关雾中棒-板空气间隙交流放电特性的研究较少。为此,在人工气候室内利用超声波雾发生器对不同湿润条件和雾环境下的棒-板空气间隙交流放电进行多次试验,得到了雾水质量浓度、电导率和温度对不同棒-板空气间隙距离(5、10、15 cm)交流放电电压的影响规律;并在综合考虑雾水质量浓度、电导率影响的基础上,得到了该放电电压的计算式。结果表明,棒-板空气间隙的雾中交流放电电压比其在干闪下有所增加,5、10、15cm间隙的击穿电压比干闪时增加了3.1%~4.7%;随着雾水质量浓度的增加(1~4 g/m3),放电电压先上升后下降,且在3 g/m3时达到最大;此外,相比雾水电导率为100μS/cm的情况,雾水电导率为5 150μS/cm时的间隙击穿电压在雾水质量浓度为1、2、3、4 g/m3时分别降低了2.70%、2.72%、4.99%、9.07%。利用所提出的计算式得到的结果与试验结果的偏差7.3%。
[Abstract]:At present, the study of the AC discharge characteristics of the air gap of the rod-plate in the fog is less. in that artificial weather cham, the ultrasonic fog generator is used for carrying out multiple test on the AC discharge of the rod-plate air gap in different wet conditions and the fog environment to obtain the fog water quality concentration, The influence of electric conductivity and temperature on the AC discharge voltage of different rod-plate air gap (5,10,15 cm) is studied, and the calculation formula of the discharge voltage is obtained based on the comprehensive consideration of the influence of the mass concentration and the conductivity of the fog water. The results show that the AC discharge voltage in the fog of the rod-plate air gap is increased by 3.1% ~ 4.7% than that of the dry flash when the breakdown voltage of the gap between 5,10 and 15 cm is increased by 3.1% ~ 4.7% than the dry flash, and the maximum when the discharge voltage is up to 3 g/ m 3 with the increase of the mass concentration of the fog water (1 ~ 4g/ m3); in addition, When the conductivity of the fog water was 100. m u.S/ cm, the breakdown voltage of the gap was 2.70%, 2.72%, 4.99% and 9.07%, respectively, when the mass concentration of the fog water was 1,2,3, and 4 g/ m3. The deviation of the results obtained with the calculated results and the results of the test was 7.3%.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2009CB724501/502/503) 国家创新研究群体基金(51021005)~~


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