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锆掺杂对Pr 2 Fe 14 B/α-Fe纳米复合永磁体性能的影响

发布时间:2021-04-21 18:22
  永磁材料对电子技术企业的发展进步至关重要。由于具有很高的理论磁能积(144MGOe),纳米双相磁体成为研究热点之一。但近期实验研究结果发现实际所得样品材料的微结构与理论要求相差甚远,致使矫顽力和磁性能很低。通过添加微量元素来改善材料微结构是提高矫顽力的有效方法。本文研究了在不同甩带速度下锆的掺杂对纳米复合永磁材料Pr2Fe14B/α-Fe磁性能的影响。使用了感应熔炼的方法在纯氩气氛围中制备了化学组分为Pr9.5Feg4-xB6.5-yZrxPy(x=0,1,2,3;y=0,0.1)的合金块体,然后通过甩带的方法在不同甩带速度(8,24和30m/s)下制备了不同厚度(40-66μm)的条带。研究发现,相比于没有锆掺杂的合金,1 at.%的锆掺杂中将会极大地提高母合金Pr9.5Fe84B6.5的磁性。在掺杂1at.%的锆之后,磁能积从9kJm3(缺锆合金)大幅提高到了 80kJJm3(富锆合金),矫顽力也被大大地提升,从89kAm-1(缺锆合金)到886kAm-1(富锆合金),同时剩磁从0.51T提高到0.75T。使用粉末X射线衍射技术分析了条带的物相组成,在1 at.%的锆掺杂之后,母合... 

【文章来源】:山东大学山东省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:83 页


Chapter 1. Introduction
    1.1 History of Magnetism
    1.2 Introduction to permanent magnets
    1.3 Origin of Ferromagnetism
    1.4 Magnetic Behavior
        1.4.1 Diamagnetism
        1.4.2 Paramagnetism
        1.4.3 Ferromagnetism
        1.4.4 Anti-ferromagnetism
        1.4.5 Ferrimagnetism
    1.5 Intrinsic Properties
        1.5.1 Saturation Magnetization
        1.5.2 Anisotropy
        1.5.3 Magnetocrystalline anisotropy
        1.5.4 Shape anisotropy
    1.6 Magnetic domain:
    1.7 Hysteresis loop
        1.7.1 Remanence
        1.7.2 Coercivity
        1.7.3 Maximum Energy Product
    1.8 Coercivity mechanism
        1.8.1 Nucleation
        1.8.2 Domain wall pinning
    1.9 Objective of the study
Chapter 2. Literature Review
    2.1 Neodymium Iron Boron Magnet
    2.2 Production of Nd-Fe-B
    2.3 Melt Spinning Technique
    2.4 Nd-Fe-B-Zr Alloy
    2.5 Phosphorous doped melt spun ribbon
Chapter 3. Materials and Methods
    3.1 Material selection
    3.2 Electric Arc Furnace
    3.3 Melt Spinning Machine
    3.4 Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
    3.5 X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
        3.5.1 Fundamental Principle of XRD
        3.5.2 Instrumentation and specification
    3.6 Scanning Electron Microscopy
    3.7 Elemental Analysis by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion
9.5Fe84-xB6.5Zrx as-spun ribbon alloy">    4.1 Magnetic properties of Pr9.5Fe84-xB6.5Zrx as-spun ribbon alloy
9.5Fe84B6.5">        4.1.1 Pr9.5Fe84B6.5
  •         4.1.2 Pr9.5Fe83B6.5Zr1
  •         4.1.3 Pr9.5Fe82B6.5Zr2
  •         4.1.4 Pr9.5Fe81B6.5Zr3
  •     4.2 Magnetic properties of Pr9.5Fe84-xB6.4P0.1Zrx as-spun ribbon alloy
    9.5Fe84B6.4P0.1">        4.2.1 Pr9.5Fe84B6.4P0.1
  •         4.2.2 Pr9.5Fe83B6.4P0.1Zr1
  •         4.2.3 Pr9.5Fe82B6.4P0.1Zr2
  •         4.2.4 Pr9.5Fe81B6.4P0.1Zr3
  • Conclusion

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