本文关键词: 激光诱导击穿光谱 测控系统 主成分分析(Principal component analysis) 偏最小二乘回归(PLS-DA) 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technology is a kind of material by atomic emission spectroscopy spectral element detection analysis technology, because of the real time and in situ analysis, fast detection speed, without complex sample pretreatment and many other advantages, has been widely used in various fields. A beam of high energy laser pulse using the technology, after the refractive optical system, focusing on the surface of the sample. The sample surface to generate plasma, and emits a line signal characteristics of material containing elements of information spectrum, through the analysis of the spectral signal intensity of the collected information and the wave length of samples, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The instrument is mainly composed of a laser LIBS technology. The spectrometer, based on optical devices, control system and computer, the instrument has simple principle, convenient operation and other advantages, more and more researchers are paying attention. Based on the original laboratory desktop LIBS measurement and control system, the control unit is optimized, which is suitable for handheld LIBS control system. At the same time, according to the specific geologic prospecting application development has certain algorithm module data processing function, make it better service in the field of Geology and mineral resources of workers, improve the work efficiency. The main work the contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the optimization of desktop LIBS spectrometer control software system, which can meet the high energy spectrum analysis instrument test requirements of handheld LIBS handheld LIBS spectrum analyzer not only in size, volume is different from desktop LIBS spectrum analyzer, and connected to the parts and components of communication are also different. When each component type change, development and optimization of control software also needs to be changed accordingly. In the basis of original laboratory frame plug-in design system On the re planning of the various interfaces, extensions of the corresponding components, which is suitable for high energy LIBS handheld control system. At the same time, a large number of experiments to optimize the spectral data, the development of functional modules. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of spectral data, optimize the development of handheld LIBS system software. In about 2000 test, measurement and control system is stable and no fault detection and control software, the effective control of all parts of the normal operation. (2) of spectral analysis on geological characteristics of samples by using LIBS technology, using pattern recognition method to classify samples, and realize the qualitative research software development geological samples LIBS spectral feature information obtained emission spectrum of major elements and trace elements in abundance and, the spectral line has a better signal-to-noise ratio. Because of the different material matrix elements in different samples, leading to the LIBS spectral differences in survival, to die Provide the conditions for recognition. This paper uses unsupervised principal component analysis method to extract each sample sample database for the principal component contribution rate is larger, the samples were unsupervised classification. The analysis function to generate the dynamic link library in the Matlab platform will be the principal component, the data format conversion from the matrix form for the NET platform can identify the format of the data. Using C# language type safety interface technology of mixed programming based on the first principal component analysis algorithm is applied to the high-energy handheld LIBS control and analysis software, realize the rapid extraction of unknown samples of main components and qualitative software development. (3) mixed method research and software development in Geological Samples by quantitative elemental quantitative model analysis algorithm suitable for large sample quantitative analysis of geological samples for mineral exploration field elements, the application of LIBS technology to provide data processing software support. This work. Using partial least squares regression quantitative analysis method, can effectively solve the geological standard sample library are less than the numbers of spectral variables, using LIBS spectrum as the input variables have good fitting performance. By optimizing experiment, in the Matlab platform to generate the dynamic link library DLL. COM.NET component interface framework can compatible development with the dynamic link library based on the C# language is used to call the function DLL and MWArray.dll mixed programming, effectively combining the C# application development and data processing function together, improve the speed and efficiency of software development. This paper focuses on optimizing energy measurement and control system of portable LIBS software at the same time, analysis of principal component analysis and partial least squares regression analysis the algorithm is applied to the measurement and control software, handheld LIBS spectral data processing, not only realize the control function of each component, while the development of The analytical and quantitative analysis and measurement software with qualitative and quantitative analysis functions has been successfully applied to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of ground and mineral samples.
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