[Abstract]:Solid laser refrigeration, also known as optical refrigeration, is a technology that uses laser induced anti Stokes fluorescence to refrigerate the solid or semiconductor materials doped with rare earth ions. Because of its advantages of compact, no vibration, no electromagnetic interference and no pollution, it can be applied to the local refrigeration of the electronic device carried by the aeronautical device. In the past 20 years, the research of optical refrigeration has made great progress. However, in order to realize its application, the performance of optical refrigeration still needs to be improved and the range of working wavelength still needs to be expanded. On the basis of improving the theory of Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration, some theoretical models for improving the performance of optical refrigeration are given, including double frequency pumped Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration, energy transfer enhanced optical refrigeration, and double pulse pumping enhanced ultra radiation light refrigeration. First, based on the emission of Ho~ (3+) doped fluoride crystals The existing optical refrigeration model is popularized to make it more accurate to describe the Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration process. Based on this model, the criterion conditions of the upconversion auxiliary optical refrigeration are derived. Combined with the spectral parameters of Ho~ (3+): YLiF4 crystal, the Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration process is numerically simulated, and the different background absorption conditions are given. The relationship between the cooling power density and the cooling efficiency with the change of the pump light intensity and the doping concentration; and the maximum cooling power density and the corresponding optimum doping concentration under different pumping wavelengths. Then, the Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration strengthened by double frequency pump is studied. The heat production of various transition channels is analyzed according to the energy level characteristics of Ho~ (3+) ions. The effect of the dual frequency pump on the performance of Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration is improved. A theoretical modeling for the dual frequency pumped Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration is made. The expression of the power density and efficiency of the refrigeration is derived. The application range of the dual frequency pump mechanism is pointed out. The application range of the dual frequency pumping mechanism is pointed out. The different doping concentration samples are given with the spectral parameters of the Ho~ (3+): YLiF4 crystal. In the product, the relationship between the cooling power density and the cooling efficiency with the intensity of the pumped laser at two frequencies; the maximum refrigeration power density, the corresponding refrigeration efficiency and the optimal pump light intensity. Then, the optical refrigeration of the enhanced energy transfer is studied. By analyzing the ratio of Ho~ (3+) and Ho~ (3+), Tm~ (3+), double doped fluoride crystals in negative tuning pumps The emission spectrum of the Ho~ (3+) - Tm~ (3+) energy transfer process is roughly calculated. The theoretical modeling of Ho~ (3+) -Tm~ (3+) energy transfer optical refrigeration is modeled based on the rate equation theory of energy transfer, and the analytical expression of the refrigeration power density and refrigeration efficiency is derived. The energy transfer coefficient is analyzed, and the addition of the energy transfer coefficient is analyzed. The influence of impurity concentration, pumping intensity and wavelength on the performance of the dual optical refrigeration system. Combined with the spectral parameters of Ho~ (3+), Tm~ (3+): YLiF4 crystal, the relation between the cooling power density and the refrigeration efficiency of the Ho~ (3+) -Tm~ (3+) optical refrigeration system with the change of the resonance absorption power density is numerically simulated and compared with the traditional Ho~ (3+) optical refrigeration. Using the equilibrium parameters of energy transfer, the law of the amplitude of energy transfer enhancement with the temperature is given. Finally, the double pulse pump enhanced ultra radiation optical refrigeration is studied. On the basis of clarifying the basic principle of the ultra radiation optical refrigeration, the advantages of the double pulse pump mechanism are compared with that of the continuous pulse pump mechanism. The analytic solution of the density matrix element is derived from the kinetic equation of the stage system. Combining the spectral parameters of Yb~ (3+): YLiF4, Tm~ (3+), YILiF4 and Ho~ (3+): YLiF4 crystal, the ultra radiation optical refrigeration process is simulated by two kinds of pumping mechanism, and the power of ultra radiation optical refrigeration is changed with the temperature. It is suitable for the sample size of ultra radiation optical refrigeration. The effect of different pump energy levels on the performance of the system is discussed. The optimum selection basis for the pump energy level of the ultra radiant optical refrigeration is given through reasonable approximation and theoretical deduction.
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