[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the world economy, the demand for oil is increasing. The key technology of logging while drilling is the transmission of signals while drilling. At present, the transmission of electromagnetic wave is paid more and more attention. The electromagnetic wave transmission is simple and easy to realize, the transmission rate is high, and it is not limited by mud, so it can be used in air. Underbalanced drilling of foam or mud. In this paper, a finite element analysis method is used to model the signal transmission model of logging while drilling. Based on Maxwell equations, the functional expression is derived from the wave equation of electric field vector in formation media and truncated boundary conditions. The hexahedron subdivision based on cylindrical coordinate system is used to better fit the drilling model. The higher-order laminated vector basis function is adopted in the selection of the basis function, and the order of the base function can be freely controlled. In the detailed or source region of the model, the meshes are added, the higher-order basis functions are used, and the low-order basis functions are used in the sparse meshes of the distant strata, which can not only improve the calculation accuracy but also speed up the calculation rate. Finally, the required receiving voltage is obtained by the expansion of the global electric field. The finite element method is used to simulate and analyze the electromagnetic transmission under different conditions. The length of the insulation section is optimized when the voltage of insulation gap is applied. The excitation structure, the relay and ground receiving antenna, the relay receiving distance and the frequency are optimized. Contrasting the influence of water based mud and oil based mud on electromagnetic transmission while drilling, finding the best position of ground receiving antenna in inclined stratum and analyzing the influence of stratified formation on inclined formation, metal casing, The influence of metal casing and blowout preventer on the transmission of electromagnetic signal while drilling has laid a foundation for further research on electromagnetic transmission while drilling. Finally, the paper introduces the transmission system of offshore logging signal, which combines wire transmission with wireless transmission, adopts communication cable transmission in seawater layer with serious electromagnetic wave attenuation, and uses electromagnetic wave transmission in undersea formation. It is concluded that it is better to use helical coil as receiving antenna than wire antenna.
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