[Abstract]:With the development of microelectronic technology, high precision ADC (ADC) is widely used in civil market and military field. For the acceleration sensor, the digital closed-loop interface circuit based on Sigma-Delta (危 螖) modulation technology is less sensitive to device mismatch and easy to integrate with digital chip. It is one of the effective ways to realize the interface circuit of high performance accelerometer. 危 螖 modulator, which is the key module of accelerometer interface circuit, is one of the main bottlenecks to its performance. In order to meet the application requirement of high performance accelerometer interface circuit, the high precision 危 螖 modulator circuit is studied and designed in this paper. In this paper, the characteristics of several low-pass 危 螖 modulators are compared, and a four-order single-ring full-feedforward structure is chosen as the design objective of this paper. The structure can reduce the output swing of the integrator, which not only reduces the overall power consumption, but also helps to reduce the harmonic distortion of the system. In the Simulink environment of Matlab, the non-ideal behavioral level model of the system is established, which includes the non-ideal model of operational amplifier, the non-ideal model of switch, the noise model of operational heat release, the model of KT/C noise and so on. The structural parameters and the design parameters of the operational amplifier module are optimized by modeling and simulation, which provides the basis for the design of the lower stage circuit. Based on the quantization noise transfer function of the system and the quasilinear model of the quantizer, the stability of the high-order system is analyzed by the root locus method. After the design parameters are determined by non-ideal behavior level modeling, the modulator is designed under Spectre, including integrator, comparator, switched-capacitor summation circuit, clock generation circuit, one-bit DAC circuit and so on. In order to suppress even harmonic distortion and common-mode interference, a fully differential circuit is designed. The common-mode feedback loop of fully differential operational amplifier is realized by switched capacitor circuit to reduce the effect of common-mode feedback loop on output swing and DC gain of operational amplifier. The chopper stabilization technique is used to reduce the effect of the 1- / f noise and misalignment of the first stage integrator on the output of the modulator. The whole simulation based on the standard 0.5 渭 m CMOS process shows that the signal-to-noise ratio of the modulator circuit is 102 dB in the 1kHz bandwidth, which is close to the simulation result of the behavioral level modeling. The dynamic range of the system is about 105 dB. Completed layout design, post-simulation verification and preliminary testing work. The post-simulation results of layout are close to those of circuit simulation. The test results show that the power consumption of the system is 20 MW when the sampling frequency is 250kHz. The signal-to-noise ratio of the modulator circuit without chopping technique is 89 dB, and the signal-to-noise ratio of the modulator circuit with chopper technology is 99dB, which verifies the correctness of chopping technology and accomplishes the expected design goal.
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