great path from Southwest China to Southeast Asia geohazard
Discussion on environmental geological problems in the areas from South-west China to Southeast Asia.
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Zhang Yongshuang, Zhang Jiagui, Lei Weizhi, Shi Jusong, Wang Xianli, Xiong Tanyu (Institute of Geomechanics , Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstr:As an important energy and transportation highway from Southwest China to Southeast Asia, the great southwest highway that will be planned and constructed for future has important economic and strategic significance. Being located in the southern part of Hengduanshan Range with complex environmental condition, the highway area has complex landform and geological structures, and intensive neotectonic activity. The complex geological environment leads to recurrent multiple geohazards. Engineering construction needs to take into consideration of the high earth temperature, the high crustal stress, and the karst water. Based on the analysis of endogenic and exogenic geological process, the possible geohazard and engineering geological problems in the area from Southwest China to Southeast Asia are summarized, and the research strategy is discussed in the paper.
Keyword::great path from Southwest China to Southeast Asia geohazard engineering geological problem geological environment engineering construction
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