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发布时间:2018-05-01 21:47

  本文选题:矽卡岩矿床 + 磁铁矿 ; 参考:《南京大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The Tarim Abu iron mine is a large skarn magnet deposit found in the Sura archipelago of Indonesia, including the author of the author in recent years. The Sura archipelago is the northern margin of the crust of the Southeast Asian continental margin on the geodetic tectonics, located in the South West edge of the continental margin of East Asia and the shell of the Australian Grand Leah, and the junction of the shell of the Philippines sea. It is an integral part of the ring Pacific metallogenic belt and the extension area of the tin iron metallogenic belt in Southeast Asia. The geological conditions of this island are very favorable, but the previous geological working degree is very low and the prospecting work is blank. In this paper, the geological characteristics of the iron deposit are studied and the genetic type of the ore deposit is determined by the comprehensive analysis of the first hand data in the field. Five metallogenic stages are divided and ore prospecting rules are summarized and ore finding marks are set up. As a successful case of rapid and accurate search for large iron ore in the forest cover area in Southeast Asia, the paper has important application value and scientific significance to the prospecting and deep study of skarn and pulp type magnetite in this area. The bed study shows that the magnetite ore body is located near the contact zone between the granite body and the upper Carboniferous rock group (Pzmm) carbonates, and the surrounding rock is mainly skarn, marble and granite. The orebodies are mainly lenticular or lenticular or like stratiform, and magnetite is the main form of iron. The ore body is generally near to EW and is longer than 2000m. It tends to extend 48-620m, the average thickness of the ore body is 28.4m, the dip angle is generally 30 to 45 degrees, the average grade of TFe is 35.07%., and the initial exploration of the iron resources exceeds 150 million T. ore minerals is mainly magnetite. There is a certain amount of sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and the surface part of the earth is brownish iron mineralization, and the gangue minerals are mainly diopside. The ore structure is mainly granular. The ore structure is mainly a metasomatic structure. The ore structure is mainly mass structure and dipping structure. The iron ore of this deposit is easy to be selected, the ore processing technology is good, the main element of ore recovery is iron, the magnetite is mainly monocrystalline or polycrystalline. The main embedded minerals are diopside silicate minerals such as diopside, and the inlay relation is simple and large. The study reveals that the magnetite is mainly formed in the oxide stage, while the sulfide and the chalcopyrite are mainly formed in the sulfide phase. The surrounding rock alteration, which is closely related to the magnetite mineralization, is transformed into skarnalization. The strong skarnalization is developed at the mineralized site, especially a large number of diopside, tremolite, serpentine and magnets. Associated with ore, it has become an important ore finding symbol. The deposit is mainly composed of skarn type. It is believed that the metallogenic material mainly comes from the granitic magma of the crustal remelting, and the ore-forming fluid is mainly the late stage post phase hydrothermal fluid. The ore prospecting marks in this area include the sign of the contact zone (magma and formation) and the structural sign. Remote sensing mark, aeromagnetic sign, wall rock alteration mark and magnetic soil sign.



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