本文关键词:ORC余热利用过程过热度控制 出处:《华北电力大学(北京)》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 有机朗肯循环 余热利用 广义预测控制 过热度
[Abstract]:With the increasing attention to energy and environment all over the world, energy saving and emission reduction has gradually been put on the agenda by the governments of various countries. In order to reduce energy consumption, reduce fuel and exhaust emissions, purify the atmospheric environment and ensure the sustainable development of human society, the recovery and utilization of industrial waste heat has gradually become a research hotspot in various countries. Based on the organic Rankine cycle waste heat utilization system can be very good to the industrial waste heat energy into electrical energy and other forms of mechanical energy. Therefore, in order to improve the thermal efficiency of the waste heat utilization system, the research on the ORC waste heat utilization system has been carried out. This paper on waste heat utilization at home and abroad related fields to carry out a full investigation, based on the organic Rankine cycle waste heat utilization system, combined with the actual situation, the choice of organic refrigerant R245fa research on ORC system of utilization of waste heat as the working fluid of the organic Rankine cycle. The ORC waste heat utilization system is mainly composed of evaporator, refrigerant pump, condenser and expander and other components. Based on the research of the laws of thermodynamics to the application of organic Rankine cycle in a certain control strategy, ORC process of waste heat utilization of superheat, established the evaporator superheat control system and model. The control system adopts cascade control, and its inner ring is asynchronous motor vector control system, which is mainly used to adjust the speed of the working pump. The inner loop can be regarded as the executing mechanism of the heat control system. The outer loop controller of the over heat control system is a controller based on generalized predictive control algorithm, and its prediction model is obtained through online identification. In this paper, the simulation of asynchronous motor control system and overheat control system is carried out in the MATLAB/Simulink software environment. The feasibility of the overheat control system for the ORC waste heat utilization process is verified by simulation.
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