[Abstract]:This paper examines Kazakhstan's oil and gas resources and its multi-directional foreign policy relationship. To study how to be used in multi-directional foreign policy through the relationship between oil and gas resources. The aim is to reveal the general rules of investment decision-making and to see that political and foreign governance factors affect the development of energy. It is through research decisions that the Kazakhstan Investment and Development Corporation of its resources has the right to sell and export routes. The role of light in the analysis of data is explored in multiple policies, energy policies as a possible tool. Based on paper written records and interviews with oil and gas industry and foreign policy in Kazakhstan. This paper holds that Kazakhstan has developed its oil and gas resources and exported them in accordance with its multi-vector foreign policy. The United States, Russia and China are the most important carriers and partners in Kazakhstan's foreign policy, which is reflected in Kazakhstan's energy development. Since 2000 Kazakhstan has been totally dependent on Russian oil exports towards more diversified and interdependent energy relations. However, transit through Russia remains Kazakhstan's main export route. For Kazakhstan, economic and political considerations have played a role in the decision-making of energy development. Political considerations seem to have an important impact on investment and development decisions and appear to hamper the development of some export routes. Some argue that energy has been used as a tool for Kazakhstan in relation to its multi-vector policy. There is also some support for the role of energy as a driver of Kazakhstan's foreign policy.
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