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发布时间:2018-10-22 13:35
【摘要】:以38 kW 4缸双作用斜盘式太阳能斯特林发动机为例,构建了其实体结构模型,针对气缸系统内部工质与活塞组件振源,应用Fluent软件对发动机气缸内工质的三维流动特性及脉动参数的时域和频域特性,活塞组件的往复运动惯性力、惯性力矩及其端面所受的气体力特性等进行了研究。结果表明:与吸热器相邻气缸内的工质压力脉动显著,且其脉动频率范围为10~50 Hz,而气缸内工质的流量脉动频率则主要在10~50 Hz和200~250 Hz两个范围内;活塞端面所受的气体力在工质的压缩与膨胀转换过程中大小、方向都会发生突变,引起活塞组件的振动冲击;单缸活塞组件的往复运动惯性力与惯性力矩均呈正弦规律变化,且相邻两缸之间相差90°相位角,整个气缸系统活塞组件的往复惯性力能自行抵消,而惯性力矩则需要通过合理设计平衡块质量及其与旋转轴心的距离才能达到平衡。
[Abstract]:Taking 38 kW 4 cylinder double acting oblique disk type solar Stirling engine as an example, the solid structure model is constructed, aiming at the vibration source of the internal working fluid and piston component of the cylinder system. The characteristics of three-dimensional flow and pulsation parameters in time domain and frequency domain, reciprocating inertia force, inertia moment and gas force on the end face of piston assembly are studied by Fluent software. The results show that the pressure pulsation in the cylinder adjacent to the absorber is significant, and the pulsation frequency range is 1 050 Hz, while the flow pulsation frequency of the working fluid in the cylinder is mainly in the range of 1050 Hz and 200 Hz. In the process of compression and expansion of the working medium, the gaseous force on the end surface of the piston will have a sudden change in size and direction, which will cause the vibration shock of the piston assembly, and the reciprocating inertia force and inertia torque of the single cylinder piston assembly will all change in a sinusoidal manner. And the phase angle between the two adjacent cylinders is 90 掳, the reciprocating inertia force of the piston assembly of the whole cylinder system can be offset by itself, and the inertia moment can be balanced only by reasonably designing the mass of the balance block and its distance from the center of the rotary shaft.
【作者单位】: 湖南科技大学机械设备健康维护省重点实验室;湘电集团太阳能事业部;
【基金】:湖南省高校产学研基金资助项目(11CY020) 湖南省科技计划基金资助项目(2012FJ6121) 湖南科技大学研究生创新基金资助项目(S130019) 国家自然科学基金(51275166)


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