[Abstract]:At present, the general engine industry develops rapidly in our country, the export quantity increases rapidly. At the same time, users of the general engine quality requirements are constantly improving. Especially, the requirement of noise is getting higher and higher. Accordingly, the control of engine noise, which is the main power at present, is becoming more and more important. The control level of noise has become an important index to evaluate the performance of modern engine. Therefore, it is of great practical significance and practical value to carry out the analysis and study of engine noise and discuss the methods and measures of engine noise control. In this paper, 390ml (G390FA) general purpose engine is taken as the main research object. Aiming at the problem of gear meshing in crankcase, the method of combining experiment with theoretical analysis is used to study deeply. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the research and technology status of engine vibration and noise at home and abroad are summarized and analyzed, and the gap between China and developed countries is expounded. (2) the vibration and noise of G390FA engine are tested and diagnosed by using modern measurement technology, and the main sources of vibration and noise of the engine are determined. This research is mainly aimed at the meshing noise (). (_ 3) of the gear pair in the box of the engine. The gear meshing of the engine is deeply analyzed, and the gear meshing of the engine is improved and optimized. Through further test and analysis, the improved method and design effect are verified. The research in this paper has some reference value for the vibration and noise control of other similar general-purpose engines, and provides practical model support for other product development of the company.
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