[Abstract]:A three-dimensional numerical method is used to simulate the three-dimensional flow field of the curved guide vane of a gas turbine with small aspect ratio and cooling. The mechanism of controlling the secondary flow and reducing the loss by the blade bending is discussed by comparing and analyzing different blade bending schemes. The results show that, due to the small influence range of radial secondary flow of guide vane, the improvement effect of forward bending design on the aerodynamic performance of cascade is better than that of reverse bending. The forward bending design can effectively reduce the loss in the upper end region, and the maximum decrease is close to 5%, while the forward bending design and the reverse bending design have little effect on the flow and loss in the lower end region. The cooling effect of suction surface of blade changed little after positive bending design, but significantly decreased the cooling effect of pressure surface, and increased the high temperature region.
【作者单位】: 航天科工海鹰集团有限公司;哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院;
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