[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to optimize the connecting rod assembly of a small general gasoline engine according to the actual operating condition parameters in the production process, so as to achieve the lighter weight, smaller volume, reasonable shape layout and maximum ease of connecting rod as much as possible. Stress concentration phenomenon in the transition zone between small head and rod body. The parametric three-dimensional solid feature modeling of the connecting rod of a small general gasoline engine is realized by using CATIA V5, and the finite element analysis is carried out. Because CATIA is an integrated design and analysis platform of CAD/CAE, there is no data loss and feature damage in the process of transformation from entity model to finite element model. In the finite element analysis of connecting rod assembly with CATIA V5, the rigid constraint (that is, crank pin constraint) is used to simulate the contact state between the hole of connecting rod and the crank pin. The influence of element size and cell type on mesh quality is considered. The structural strength, stiffness and deformation analysis and dynamic performance analysis of the connecting rod of a small general purpose gasoline engine are carried out by means of CATIA CAE. In the process of design, the analysis can be carried out while designing, so that the results of the analysis can be fully reflected in the design, and the CAE can really serve for the actual production. Under the condition of optimal constraint, the structural dimension of the connecting rod changes, which increases the stress and deformation, but the safety factor is 1.55, which is greater than the minimum safety factor of 1.5. At the same time, the optimization of the transition arc at the end of the connecting rod reduces the stress concentration phenomenon at the transition arc of the connecting rod and makes the structure of the connecting rod more reasonable. In addition, the mass of the connecting rod before and after optimization is reduced by about 7%, so the inertia force of the connecting rod also decreases to a certain extent, and it is helpful to improve the vibration and noise of the small-scale general purpose gasoline engine.
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