[Abstract]:Bubble motion exists in many natural phenomena and engineering practices, such as cavitation erosion of hydraulic turbines and pumps, cavitation erosion of ship propellers, gas-liquid two-phase flow and underwater exhaust of ships. In view of this, this paper takes the underwater exhaust bubble of an engine as the object, and discusses the motion characteristics of the underwater exhaust bubble of the engine, including the formation mechanism and motion law of the underwater bubble of the engine. The phase transition process and motion phenomenon of single bubble in water, the motion characteristics of double bubble in water at different initial positions, the formation mechanism and movement law of random multi-bubble, the dissolution phenomenon and process of bubble containing soluble components in water. Firstly, the mathematical model of bubble formation is established, and the gas-liquid interface is simulated by VOF method. The results show that the formation of a single bubble has gone through four stages: emergence, slow growth, rapid growth and separation. Under the action of surface tension, the internal pressure of bubbles is uniformly distributed and obviously higher than the external pressure of bubbles. Based on the digital image processing algorithm, a method for calculating the volume and trajectory of single bubble is proposed. When the pinhole diameter is constant, with the increase of air flow rate, the bubble departure time decreases and the decreasing trend slows down, while the bubble formation volume tends to increase generally. When the gas velocity is equal, the smaller the pore size is, the longer the bubble separation time is, and the larger the bubble formation volume is. At the same time, the effects of surface contact angle, liquid viscosity coefficient and liquid level reference pressure on bubble formation characteristics were also studied. Secondly, the underwater motion characteristics of bubbles are studied. It is found that when a single bubble moves in water, its shape gradually changes from sphere to olive sphere, and swings from left to right, and its motion shape is a S-shaped curve. Collision, aggregation and breakage may occur in the process of bubble movement at different initial positions. Based on Journal function, bubble groups with random characteristics are generated by C language programming method. With the increase of the relative viscosity of the liquid, the swing amplitude of the bubble trajectory becomes smaller and smaller, and finally approximates to a vertical straight line. The surface tension of liquid plays an important role in maintaining the bubble shape. When the surface tension is too small, the bubble rapidly ruptures into many fragments. When the surface tension increases gradually, the bubble shape will become more and more spherical. Finally, based on the solution of component diffusion flux in Fick's law, the dissolution process of bubble containing soluble components in water is simulated by UDF programming. The research results are helpful to further deepen the understanding of engine underwater exhaust bubbles and lay a foundation for engineering practice.
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