本文关键词:春季和夏季爆发型ENSO事件对夏季中国降水的影响 出处:《气候与环境研究》2016年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:采用NCEP再分析资料、海温资料以及中国台站降水资料,借助统计方法,讨论了不同爆发型El Ni?o和La Ni?a事件对中国夏季(5~10月)降水分布的影响。根据定义,El Ni?o和La Ni?a事件分为两类:一类是在4~6月爆发,称为春季爆发型(分为ELSP1、ELSP2、ELSP3和LASP);一类是在7~10月爆发,称为夏季爆发型(分为ELSU和LASU)。结果显示,ELSP1型当年夏季,中国夏季降水主要呈现负距平分布,其中显著降水偏少区集中在黄河流域,在其次年夏季,降水由南往北呈现"-、+、-"异常分布,显著降水偏多区主要集中于中原地带。ELSP2型当年夏季和次年夏季,中国夏季降水基本呈现相反变化分布,即当年夏季,全国降水以偏少为主,次年夏季全国降水以偏多为主。ELSP3型当年夏季,以华南降水偏多、其余地区降水偏少为主,在其次年夏季,降水主要以长江流域和华北偏多。ELSU型当年夏季,长江以北降水偏少、西南以及华南沿海降水偏多;次年夏季,降水由南往北呈现"-、+、-、+"异常分布。LASP型当年夏季使得全国降水基本一致增多,尤其是长江流域;而在其次年夏季,除了淮河和长江下游地区降水略多异常,全国降水以基本偏少为主。LASU型当年夏季,降水呈现长江以南偏少、以北偏多的主要分布形势,在其次年夏季,除了长江中下游区域降水偏多以外,其余地区降水均偏少。降水的异常分布与Hadley环流和水汽异常分布密切相关。但LASU型所导致的环流变化对中国夏季降水预测指示意义比较弱。
[Abstract]:Based on NCEP reanalysis data, SST data and precipitation data from Chinese stations, the influence of El Ni? O and La Ni a events on the distribution of summer precipitation in China is discussed with statistical methods. According to the definition, El Ni? O and La Ni? A events can be divided into two categories: one is the outbreak in 4~6 month, it is called the spring outbreak type (divided into ELSP1, ELSP2, ELSP3 and LASP), one is in the month of the outbreak of the outbreak, it is called the summer outbreak type (divided into two kinds of). The results showed that in summer of ELSP1, the summer precipitation in China mainly showed a negative spatial distribution. The significant precipitation area was concentrated in the the Yellow River River Basin. In the next summer, the precipitation from south to North showed "- + + -" abnormal distribution, and the most significant precipitation areas were concentrated in the Central Plains. In the summer of ELSP2 and the next summer, the summer precipitation in China basically showed the opposite distribution, that is, in the summer of the year, the total precipitation in China was mainly low. In the summer of the year ELSP3, the precipitation in Southern China was much more and the precipitation in the rest of the region was less. In the summer of the next year, the precipitation was mainly in the Yangtze River Basin and North China. In the summer of ELSU, the precipitation in the north of the Yangtze River was less than that in the southwest and the coastal areas of Southern China. The precipitation in the next summer showed abnormal distribution of "-, +, + +" from the south to the north. In the summer of LASP, the total precipitation in China basically increased, especially in the Yangtze River Basin. In the next summer, the precipitation in Huaihe and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River was slightly abnormal. In the summer of LASU, the main distribution of precipitation in the south part of the Yangtze River is less in the South and more in the north. In the next summer, the precipitation in other parts of the Yangtze River is less than that in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The anomalous distribution of precipitation is closely related to the circulation of Hadley and the abnormal distribution of water vapor. However, the circulation change caused by the LASU type has a weak indication for the prediction of summer precipitation in China.
【作者单位】: 中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所/广东省区域数值天气预报重点实验室;广东省气象台;广州市气候中心;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目2014CB953901 国家自然科学基金项目41205069、41375095、41505067、41575043 广东省科技计划重点项目2012A030200006 广东省气象局气象科技项目2013B08~~
【正文快照】: doi:10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2015.15133Impact of Spring and Summer Onset Type ENSO on SummerPrecipitation in ChinaLI Chunhui1,LI Xia2,LIU Yan2,and PAN Weijuan31 Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Regional
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