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发布时间:2018-01-10 20:30

  本文关键词:海洋磁力日变改正模式研究 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 海洋磁力 程序模块 日变改正 磁扰

【摘要】:为了加强我国近海海洋地质地球物理调查基础数据库系列的建设,有必要对各种船测重力、磁力以及地震数据等有一个全面系统地整理、处理,编制形成满足国家需求的数字库成果,构建我国“数字海洋”基本格架。 海洋磁力数据处理作为其中的一个重要环节,编制一套成熟的海洋磁力资料处理程序模块是非常必要的。我们应用Matlab语言、C#语言,根据海洋地质与地球物理调查规范以及海洋磁力资料的处理流程,开发了一套包含日变改正、磁异常求取、平差处理三大部分的磁力预处理程序模块。由于在实际工作中,磁力的原始资料错综复杂,对于一般的剔除异常点、滤波、插值等操作后,仍可能存在原始数据记录问题,我们在磁异常求取中针对出现的错误信息,加入了相应的报错环节,能够方便快捷的找到错误所在。在处理工程中,各个环节都可随时成图,方便随时进行检验。我们对南海多个区块的实际磁力资料进行了从原始数据到成果数据的处理,得到了满足精度要求的结果。该程序模块无论在设计界面、处理速度还是在处理结果方面,都取得了令人满意的效果。 在海洋磁力测量中,对磁力测量精度影响最大的是地磁场的太阳日变化,简称日变。要求取日变站的日变改正值,首先要确定日变站的日变改正基值,我们在程序模块中对日变基值的求取列取了四种常规方法:规范中规定的平均值法、边刚等提出的基时刻法、基时段法以及李才明提出的加权平均法。四种方法求取日变基值的原理大同小异,都有其一定的合理性。在此基础上,,我们又尝试了适合短期测量的经验模态分析(EMD)法以及针对长时间测量的正常场与磁异常之和求取日变基值的方法。通过对不同区块实际资料处理,均得到了满意的结果。 对于磁扰日期间如何合理得到磁静日变化与磁扰日变化,传统上一直没有非常合理的方法。通过对实际日变数据的观测,改进了规范中求取磁扰日日变改正的方法,有效的减弱了磁静日改正与磁扰日改正之间的偏移导致的改正畸变。 对于磁力资料的处理,从原始数据到求得磁异常再到平差求精度,数据量大复杂,容易出现各种各样的问题。通过人机交互,实时检验,才能保证磁测资料最终得到更高的精度,取得更好的效果。
[Abstract]:In order to strengthen the construction of the basic database series of marine geological geophysical survey in our country , it is necessary to organize and process all kinds of ship ' s gravity , magnetic force and seismic data in a comprehensive way . In this paper , we have developed a set of magnetic pre - treatment program modules , which include daily variation correction , magnetic anomaly seeking and adjustment processing . In practical work , we have developed a set of magnetic pre - treatment program modules which include daily variation correction , magnetic anomaly seeking and adjustment processing . In the marine magnetic survey , the greatest influence on the accuracy of magnetic measurement is the solar day change of the geomagnetic field , which is called the diurnal variation . It is necessary to take the daily variation correction value of the diurnal variation station . First , it is necessary to determine the daily variation correction value of the diurnal variation station . In the program module , we obtain four conventional methods : the mean method specified in the specification , the base time method , the base time period method and the weighted average method proposed by Li cai . On this basis , we have tried the empirical mode analysis ( EMD ) method which is suitable for short - term measurement and the method of calculating the daily variation base value for the normal field and magnetic anomalies measured for a long time . On the basis of the observation of the real - day data , the method of seeking the magnetic - disturbed diurnal variation correction in the specification is improved , and the correction distortion caused by the deviation between the magnetostatic daily correction and the magnetic disturbance - day correction is effectively reduced . For the processing of magnetic data , the accuracy of finding magnetic anomalies from the raw data to the level difference can be solved easily , and various problems can be solved easily . Through human - machine interaction and real - time inspection , it is possible to ensure that the magnetic measurement data finally gets higher precision and achieves better effect .



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