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发布时间:2018-01-14 23:15

  本文关键词:南海声散射层和涡旋对其影响的研究 出处:《国家海洋局第一海洋研究所》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 南海 声散射层 ADCP 涡旋

【摘要】:南海的声散射层研究是近年来的研究热点之一。本文利用2009—2012年4个航次的船载38 kHz ADCP和300 kHz LADCP研究了声散射层的垂向分布及其日变化,并对两种ADCP的观测结果进行对比,利用水文、生化和卫星高度计数据对声散射层的影响因素进行了研究。论文主要包括以下三个方面的内容:(1)南海存在上散射层和深散射层。上散射层分布于0—200 m;深散射层分布于300—500 m。走航ADCP观测的上散射层和深散射层都有明显的日变化,白天上散射层弱,深散射层强,晚间则相反,这种变化和浮游动物垂直迁移方式一致,所以散射层的昼夜迁移现象可能是由浮游动物的垂直迁移引起的,并用??0L t估算了声散射体的垂直迁移速率。(2)走航ADCP观测的散射层与下放式ADCP观测结果有差异,频率高的下放式ADCP可以探测到更小的散射体,散射强度比走航ADCP更大。走航ADCP可以在水平方向上获得高密度的数据,而下放式ADCP只能在站位进行定点观测;下放式ADCP可以在垂向上获得高密度的数据,而走航ADCP设置为每隔16 m水深记录一组数据。(3)当调查海域存在气旋式涡旋时,50 m水层的叶绿素和硅酸盐含量会上升,溶解氧含量下降,并通过上升流对物质进行输送,使得声散射层整体增强;当调查海域存在反气旋式涡旋时,50 m水层的叶绿素和硅酸盐含量会下降,溶解氧含量上升,使得声散射层整体减弱。
[Abstract]:Study on acoustic scattering layer of the South China Sea is one of the research hotspot in recent years. 38 kHz ADCP and 300 kHz LADCP of the sound scattering layer changes to the vertical distribution and on the 2009 2012 4 voyage of the ship, and the observation of two kinds of results of ADCP were compared using the hydrological, biochemical and satellite altimeter data effect on acoustic scattering layer are studied. The thesis mainly includes the following three aspects: (1) the South China Sea are scattering layer and deep scattering layer. The scattering layer distribution from 0 to 200 m; the deep scattering layer distributed in scattering layer 300 - 500 m. walking and sailing ADCP observation and deep scattering there are obvious diurnal variation, white sky weak scattering layer, deep scattering layer, the evening is the opposite, consistent with this change and vertical migration of planktonic animal, so the phenomenon of diel migration of the scattering layer may be caused by the vertical migration of planktonic animal, and use?? 0L t. The vertical migration rate calculated acoustic scatterers. (2) go scattering layer Airlines ADCP observation and lowered ADCP observations are different, the high frequency lowered ADCP can detect smaller scatterers, the scattering intensity is greater than ADCP. ADCP walking and sailing ship can obtain high density data in the horizontal direction, and lowered ADCP only in the observation stations; lowered ADCP can obtain high density data in the vertical direction, and the ship ADCP is set to every 16 m depth record of a set of data. (3) when the investigation area has a cyclonic vortex, chlorophyll and silicate content of 50 m water will rise. The dissolved oxygen content decreased, and the upwelling of material conveying, the sound scattering layer overall enhancement; when the investigation area are anticyclonic vortex, chlorophyll and silicate content of the 50 m layer will decrease, increase the content of dissolved oxygen, the sound scattering layer Weaken.



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