本文关键词: 物理海洋学 北黄海 温度 盐度 时空模态 冷水团 REOF分析 出处:《应用海洋学学报》2016年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Based on the data of August temperature, salinity and climatic elements of long Island in the North Huang Hai section from 1976 to 2015, the methods of rotational empirical orthogonal function, maximum entropy spectrum analysis and delay correlation analysis were used. The temporal and spatial modes and climatic responses of summer temperature, interannual salinity variation and climate response of the North Huang Hai section are studied. There are mainly four temporal and spatial modes of cross-section temperature: first, the second mode is the interannual variation component affected by ocean factors. The linear and nonlinear effects of the summer temperature component of the Bohai cross-section and the PDO index of the Pacific Interdecadal Oscillation on July are the main influencing factors. Thirdly, the four-mode is the interannual variation component of the ocean and atmosphere factors. The summer temperature component of the Bohai Sea cross-section and the average surface temperature in winter. The wind driven circulation intensity in July and the linear and nonlinear effects of PDO exponent on May are the main influencing factors. There are mainly four temporal and spatial modes of section salinity: the first mode is the interannual variation component of ocean and atmosphere factors. The main influencing factors are summer salinity, summer precipitation and surface salinity in winter. In August, the zonal wind-driven circulation is a secondary factor, and the second to fourth modes are the interannual variation components of atmospheric factors. In August, the intensity of wind-driven circulation and summer precipitation were the main influencing factors. The distribution of summer monsoon drive circulation of North Huang Hai was the main influencing factor of the average distribution of summer temperature and salt in North Huang Hai section. The interannual variation of vertical stratification of cross-section temperature and salt was as follows. The monthly mean temperature and area of the chilled water mass in the North Huang Hai section are interannual variation of quasi-equilibrium period. In the third mode of cross-section temperature, the average surface temperature of cross-section in winter is the main factor influencing the interannual variation of monthly strength of cross-section chilled water mass. In July, the PDO index was a nonlinear factor. The monthly average salinity of the cold water mass in the North Huang Hai section was significantly linear and interannual with the trend of low salinity. The first to third modes of cross section salinity and the linear and nonlinear effects of summer salinity component of Bohai cross section are the main influencing factors of the interannual variation of monthly average salinity of cold water mass, and the average temperature in summer cold water mass of North Huang Hai section. The long-term variation trend of salinity is different, and there is no long-term stable proportional relationship.
【作者单位】: 山东省海洋生态环境与防灾减灾重点实验室;国家海洋局北海环境监测中心;海洋溢油鉴别与损害评估技术国家海洋局重点实验室;
【正文快照】: (1.山东省海洋生态环境与防灾减灾重点实验室山东青岛,266033;2.国家海洋局北海环境监测中心山东青岛266033;3.海洋溢油鉴别与损害评估技术国家海洋局重点实验室山东青岛266033)北黄海是以山东半岛东端成山头为界的北部黄海,北黄海西部通过渤海海峡与渤海相通;南部与南黄海相
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