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发布时间:2018-04-11 15:39

  本文选题:西北太平洋 + 悬浮颗粒物 ; 参考:《国家海洋局第三海洋研究所》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:为了解日本以东的西北太平洋200 m以浅上层水体悬浮物的粒径变化特征与物质组分,利用“南锋号”调查船执行西北太平洋海洋环境监测与预警专项航次的机会,分别于2015年5月和9月在该海区使用LISST-100X型现场激光粒度仪进行了悬浮物粒径分布的测量,并采集悬浮物水样用电子探针及能谱分析悬浮颗粒物组分。研究结果表明:研究区的悬浮颗粒物主要由大粒径颗粒(133μm)组成,并在100 m以浅的上表层集中分布,其余层位颗粒含量较少。秋季航次测得的悬浮物体积浓度比春季高得多,但大粒径颗粒所占的比重明显降低,中等大小的颗粒(36~133μm)所占比重相应增加,中等粒径颗粒和细小粒径颗粒(36μm)在200 m水层以浅分布较均匀,并有由小到大悬浮物浓度逐渐增加的趋势。悬浮颗粒物主要由矿物颗粒、生物碎屑颗粒和胶态絮凝体三个大类组成。其中矿物颗粒大致可以分为含氧盐类矿物、氧化物和氢氧化物以及硫化物三类,以石英、长石、方解石、铁氧化物和黏土矿物的为主;生物碎屑颗粒以硅藻和甲藻为主,还可见较多的钙质生物和原生生物;絮凝体主要包括了生物絮凝体、矿物絮凝体、混杂絮凝体和有机包膜四类,其中以有机包膜的含量最高,形态最为复杂,其次为生物絮凝体,主要分布在生物含量较高的层位或其下一层位,矿物絮凝体的含量最少。秋季与春季相比,矿物碎屑含量相对减少,有机碎屑含量相对增加。影响研究区悬浮颗粒分布变化的因素主要有陆源输入、季节及水温变化引起的生物和有机质含量的变化、洋流带入和风暴破碎作用等。悬浮颗粒物中矿物颗粒的含量春季比秋季高出许多,且分布具有西、北多,东、南少的特点,其中硅酸盐矿物的分布春秋两季呈现出相反的趋势。石英颗粒依据其受风化的程度可以分为棱角状、次棱角状和滚圆状三类,其中以次棱角状居多,其次为棱角状;在其表面可见贝壳状断口、各种划痕和擦痕、阶梯状划痕、V形坑、不规则撞击坑、蝶形坑、断块破碎和新鲜晶面等机械结构,还可见到各种沉降表面、溶蚀坑、溶蚀裂隙等化学结构;以及具有黏附颗粒等的机械-化学结构;据观察结果显示石英表面的溶蚀程度上来看秋季大于春季;长石颗粒依据组成成分的不同可以分为钾长石、钠长石、钙长石和斜长石,其中以钾长石含量最高,其次为钠长石,钙长石和斜长石含量最少,秋季长石颗粒粒径有减小的趋势。悬浮矿物颗粒主要来自于亚洲风尘、河流及海岸带的输入,部分矿物可能产生于大洋自生,受大洋底层的影响较小;颗粒物在沉降之前受过较强的水流作用或较长时间的水下搬运过程;夏季热带气旋多,悬浮颗粒物受波浪影响絮凝体易发生破碎;秋季颗粒的输入减少,颗粒物溶蚀作用较为明显。总的来说,悬浮矿物颗粒的分布主要受到了陆源物质的输入、亚洲风尘、海洋自生矿物以及上层海面波动的影响。
[Abstract]:In order to understand the Japanese East Pacific Northwest in the upper 200 m upper water suspension particle size change characteristics and components, the implementation of the Pacific Northwest marine environment monitoring and early warning of the special voyage of the opportunity to use the "Nanfeng" survey ship, respectively in May 2015 and September with the LISST-100X type field laser particle size analyzer of suspended particle measurement the size distribution in this area, and the acquisition of suspended solids in water sample by electron probe and energy spectrum analysis of suspended particulate components. The results show that the suspended particles in the study area is mainly composed of large particles (133 m), and at 100 m in the shallow layer the concentration distribution, particle content less. Autumn suspended solids volume concentration measured is much higher than in spring, but accounted for the large size particles significantly reduced the proportion of medium sized particles (36~133, m) the proportion of a corresponding increase in medium particle and fine Small particles (36 m) at 200 m in the shallow aquifer distribution is uniform, and from suspended matter concentration increased gradually. The suspended particulate matter is mainly composed of mineral particles, composed of bio clastic particles and colloidal floc three categories. The mineral particles can be divided into oxygen containing mineral salts and oxides. Three kinds of hydroxides and sulfide, quartz, feldspar, calcite, mainly iron oxides and clay minerals; biological detritus in diatoms and dinoflagellates are visible more calcareous and protists; floc mainly includes biological flocculation, mineral flocculation, flocculation and mixed organic coating four kinds. The content of organic coating is the highest, the most complex form, followed by biological flocculation, mainly distributed in the higher level of biological horizon or under a horizon, the mineral contents of flocs in autumn and spring than at least, Detrital minerals content decreased, the content of organic debris increased. Influencing factors of suspended particles distributed in the study area are mainly terrigenous input changes caused by the change of season and temperature, the biological and organic content, ocean currents and storm into the crushing effect. The content of mineral particles in suspended particulates are much higher in spring than in autumn, and distribution of the west, north, East, south of little, the spring and autumn two season distribution of silicate minerals showed the opposite trend. Quartz particles can be divided into angular on the basis of the weathering degree, sub angular and rounded like three categories, which are followed by angular, angular; in the visible on the surface of conchoidal fracture, various scratches and scratches, ladder like scratches, V shaped pits, irregular craters, butterfly hole, broken blocks and fresh surface mechanical structure, can also see a variety of surface subsidence, corrosion pits, solution Corrosion crack and other chemical structure; and has the adhesion particles and so on chemical mechanical structure; according to the observation results show that the corrosion degree of the quartz surface view of the autumn than in spring; according to different feldspar composition can be divided into potassium feldspar, sodium feldspar, calcium feldspar and plagioclase, the feldspar content is the highest, followed by albite the content of calcium, feldspar and plagioclase feldspar fall at least, particle size decreases. The suspended mineral particles mainly from Asian dust, rivers and enter the coastal zone, some minerals may be produced in situ ocean, affected by ocean bottom of the small particles in the handling process; a settlement before the strong currents or a longer period of time under water; the summer tropical cyclone, suspended particles affected by wave floc particles fall prone to breakage; input reduction, particle dissolution in general is obvious. The distribution of suspended mineral particles is mainly influenced by the input of the terrestrial matter, the Asiatic dust, the marine authigenic minerals and the fluctuation of the upper surface.



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