本文选题:数值波浪水池 + 摇板造波 ; 参考:《东北石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of ocean energy, researchers pay more and more attention to the interaction between waves and structures, and with the rise of computer technology, waves can be realized in many ways. On the basis of numerical wave pool, it has become a hot topic for hydrodynamists to simulate the interaction between wave loads and structures by realizing the function of wave-making. Therefore, the main content of this paper is to simulate the dynamic response characteristics between solid and flow field by using the principle of fluid-solid coupling on the basis of numerical wave pool. The main work and research results are as follows: first, The background significance of numerical wave pool and fluid-solid coupling and its development status at home and abroad are analyzed and introduced. At the same time, the related concepts such as wave theory of computational fluid dynamics and the basic principle of fluid-structure coupling are introduced for the establishment and coupling simulation of water pool. Secondly, the principle of wave-making with rocking plate is used to track the change of free surface by using the fluid volume method (VOF), combining with RNGk-RNG? The N-S equation is solved and the program is written by using the secondary development software UDF macro command. The two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical wave pools are established by setting the corresponding parameters and boundary conditions. At the same time, in the simulation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical pools, the wave suppression effects of damping layer and slope are compared. The simulation results are compared with the theoretical results by the data obtained from the monitoring surface. The results of the two numerical water pool models show that the wave dissipation effect of damping layer is higher than that of slope wave suppression, and a more satisfactory result is obtained. Thirdly, based on the wave generation and wave dissipation function of numerical wave pool, the dynamic response characteristics of pile-foundation jacket platform under fluid-structure coupling are analyzed. Firstly, the dynamic response characteristics of partial jacket in unidirectional coupling environment are analyzed by establishing a jacket model. The variation of the pressure and the maximum equivalent effect force on the structure subjected to unidirectional coupling is obtained by data processing. Secondly, the finite element model of pile leg is established and the dynamic response results of wave and platform pile leg under single and bidirectional coupling are compared. According to the variation law of the pressure and the maximum equivalent effect force on the pile leg, the conclusion is drawn that the two-way fluid-solid coupling is more in line with the actual engineering requirements.
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