本文选题:海流 + 涡激振动 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The demand for new clean energy instead of fossil energy is becoming more and more important in the days when non renewable energy is increasingly exhausted and environmental hazards are increasing, but the demand for new clean energy instead of fossil energy is becoming more and more important. It makes it a development field with broad prospects. The low flow current can be one of the power flow energy. The energy density is proportional to the cube of the flow velocity. If the traditional underwater turbine drive system is adopted, the hydraulic turbine is difficult to achieve effective energy conversion like a wind turbine in the current environment, based on the fluid. The driving mode of the vortex excited vibration of the flow around a cylinder becomes a choice. The vortex induced vibration uses the mechanism of the cylindrical vortex deactivation induced by the uniform flow to induce its resonance to capture the current energy, which forms a hydraulic driving system to generate electricity. It is a hydraulic driven power generation mode suitable for low speed sea current environment. This paper focuses on the study of the induced sea current environment. The parameters range of vortex excited vibration and the maximum energy of the system can be obtained, and the numerical study of vortex induced vibration is carried out by the fluid solid coupling numerical method. The optimum parameters of the vortex excited vibration to obtain the energy are analyzed. The multi cylindrical vibration system with different transverse and flow direction spacing and different layout is designed as the energy. The relationship between the vortex induced vibration response, hydrodynamic characteristics, tail vortex pattern, energy acquisition efficiency and energy density with the system parameters is analyzed in detail. The main research contents and innovation results are as follows: (1) a two way coupling numerical method which can better simulate the large vortex excited vibration is adopted. In the body region, the incompressible Reynolds time averaged RANS equation based on arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) dynamic grid mechanism is described and closed by the SSTk- Omega turbulence model. The FCBI-C element model based on the ADNA system is used to calculate the discrete region of the FCBI-C element model, and the wake vortices under the large vibration of the vortex excited cylinder are realized with the corresponding algorithm. The high efficient numerical simulation of street formation has obtained the response branch, amplitude, frequency, phase angle, flow field information and the tail vortex shedding characteristics in various response branches at different reduction rates. Through literature comparison, it is proved that the analysis theory and numerical method proposed in this paper are efficient and reliable, and can be well used to simulate single cylinder or multi circle. The vortex induced vibration of the column system. (2) 4 parameters of the current energy generation based on the vortex excited vibration are proposed. The effects of the mass ratio m*, the damping ratio zeta mass damping ratio m* zeta and the water natural frequency FM, and the w on the vortex induced vibration response and energy conversion efficiency of the single cylinder are studied respectively. It is found that the mass ratio m* and the damping ratio zeta affect the energy conversion efficiency in addition to the energy conversion efficiency. It also affects the reduced speed range of effective energy acquisition, and the optimal mass damping ratio m* zeta value exists in different systems, which makes the maximum energy conversion efficiency ETA max value and the mean energy conversion efficiency maximum. It is also found that properly designing the FN and w values of the system can not only make the cylinder get the maximum energy efficiency from the flow, but also make the cylindrical structure obtain higher water kinetic energy in the wider flow velocity and reduction speed range. (3) the hydrodynamic characteristics of the four cylindrical vibration system with a rectangular spacing ratio and its energy efficiency for obtaining the ocean current are studied. In terms of the impact of the rate, and from the perspective of the scale development and utilization of the current energy, the energy converter should give priority to a system composed of multiple cylinders. This paper presents a rectangular arrangement of four cylindrical vibration systems combined with parallel and tandem configuration, and for the first time presents the dynamic characteristics of this system, which is about four. The vibration system composed of a cylinder is considered as a mass spring damping system. At any response time, the relative position of the four cylinders in the vibration system remains unchanged so that the system can obtain the best hydrodynamic characteristics. As the four cylindrical vibration system of the mechanical coupling is rectangular, the transverse and flow distance is different, the combination of the transverse and flow direction is different. Through the simulation of free vortex excited vibration of a four column mechanical coupling system under the scheme of different transverse and direction spacing ratio, the effect of the combination spacing on the amplitude frequency response, the lift characteristics, the pressure characteristics, the tail vortex structure and the energy acquisition of the four cylinder vibration system is investigated. The results are found to be reasonable. The lateral and direction spacing can maximize the energy and energy density obtained by the four column mechanical coupling system from the current. (4) the hydrodynamic characteristics and energy acquisition efficiency of the staggered five cylindrical vibration system are studied. The feasibility of using the multi cylindrical structure to scale the kinetic energy of the sea water is analyzed in the four cylinder machine. On the basis of the mechanical coupling system, an alternate arrangement vibration system composed of five cylinders is put forward in combination with tandem, parallel and interlaced three arrangements. The response, hydrodynamic characteristics, tail vortex structure and the obtained water kinetic energy results are obtained at the ratio of different transverse and direction spacing to the system. The results show that the four cylinders are arranged with the rectangular arrangement. As for the vibration system, the optimal combination spacing can make the five cylinder vibration system obtain the maximum energy from the ocean current and have the maximum energy acquisition density. The comparison of the energy acquisition density value of the vibration systems of the two arrangement forms at the optimal combination spacing shows that the interlaced arrangement is obviously superior to the rectangular arrangement. In addition, with the increase of the spacing ratio, two rows of vortex streets gradually appear in the tail vortex. The inner vortex street gradually appears "2S" mode, "S+C" mode and "2C" mode with the increase of the transverse spacing ratio. By analyzing the peak value of the lift spectrum and the energy acquisition value of the single cylinder structure and the single cylinder structure, it is known that the multi cylinder proposed in this paper is used. As an energy converter, vibration combination system is effective and feasible for large-scale utilization of ocean current energy.
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