本文选题:海洋经济 + MF-VAR模型 ; 参考:《资源科学》2016年10期
[Abstract]:Because the monthly and quarterly data of China's marine economic indicators are not published regularly, the analysis of the annual low-frequency marine economic sample data will be inaccurate because the sample data is too short. In this paper, the mixed MF-VAR model of marine economic growth is constructed, and the optimal selection and parameter estimation of the model are carried out according to the real time data of China's marine economic growth from 2005 to 2013, and compared with the benchmark model. To explore the application of mixing data model in marine economy. The results show that the MF-VAR model has a relatively small error in measuring the growth of marine economy in China, and the fitting effect of the multivariate MF-VAR model is better than that of the univariate MF-VAR model of GOP and CIFA GOP and VFH, indicating that the periodic fluctuations of the marine economy are affected by various factors. Compared with the benchmark model, MF-VAR model has a comparative advantage of accuracy in short-term prediction. With the increase of prediction steps, the accuracy of estimation and prediction decreases with the increase of the number of prediction steps) whether it is a single variable or a multivariable MF-VAR model. The estimated and predicted MSE are lower than the corresponding data reference model, so the mixed data model can not only solve the problem of short sample length, but also have a significant advantage in extracting the high-frequency data information of marine economy. It can improve the accuracy and timeliness of marine economic analysis.
【作者单位】: 中国海洋大学经济学院;中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDB151) 国家海洋公益项目(201405029-1) 教育部哲学社会科学发展报告培育项目(13JBGP005)
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