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发布时间:2018-07-08 13:16

  本文选题:山东 + 海洋 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:海洋作为地球三大生态系统之一,蕴含丰富的生物资源、矿产能源,是人类赖以生存的重要物质基础。作为一个沿海国家,海洋经济发展好坏往往决定了整个社会经济发展水平的高低。为了发展经济,许多沿海国家走上了开发海洋、利用海洋、向海洋要资源的发展道路。作为一个沿海省,山东始终把发展海洋经济放在重要位置。20世纪90年代初期,山东立足丰富的海洋资源和巨大的开发潜力,提出了“开发半壁江山,建设海上山东的战略构想”。进入21世纪,随着“蓝”、“黄”两区发展规划的实施,全省范围内掀起了开发海洋的热潮,海洋经济迅速发展。 但是,开发利用海洋势必会对海洋环境造成损害,带来许多生态及环境问题。如山东近岸海域局部污染严重,一类海水水质的海域不断减小,劣四类海水水质的海域不断增加,部分海域海水水质已不能满足环境功能区划的要求;陆源污染未得到有效控制,溢油、赤潮等海洋灾害频发;围海造地肆意进行,一些重要湾口和滩涂破坏严重,部分重要海域失去了原有的自然属性;部分内湾渔场基本荒废,一些主要经济鱼虾类产卵场和育幼场遭到严重破坏;一些溯河性鱼虾资源遭到破坏,产量大幅度下降;莱州湾河口地区原盛产的银鱼和河蟹已基本绝迹,毛蚶资源已接近枯竭,等。 这些问题严重制约了“海上山东”和“生态山东”的建设步伐。山东省作为一个海洋大省,对海洋环境保护提出了迫切要求。本文从阐述环境正义论、环境契约论、生态文明论等海洋环境保护理论基础入手,系统介绍了山东省海洋环境现状和20世纪90年代以来山东省海洋环境保护工作基本情况,深入分析了山东省海洋环境保护工作存在的问题及产生的原因,并通过研究国外一些国家在海洋环境保护工作上的经验做法,探索适合山东海域特点的海洋环境保护举措。最后,从加强海洋保护区网络建设,进行重点海湾及河口区域生态整治,实施滨海湿地生态修复与保护工程,理顺陆海统筹管理体制,加强海洋工程环保执法监管,加强海洋环境监测与海洋灾害应急能力建设,加强海洋生物多样性保护,强化海洋污染源治理,落实渤海海洋生态红线区控制制度等方面,提出了山东省近岸海域海洋环境保护和治理的具体措施,期望对山东省海洋环境污染防治提供帮助,为改善海洋环境质量,优化海洋资源配置,提升海洋生态文明,促进山东省海洋经济和区域经济朝着健康、和谐和可持续发展的正确方向发展提供措施保障。
[Abstract]:As one of the three great ecosystems of the Earth , the ocean contains rich biological resources , mineral energy and an important material basis for the survival of mankind . As a coastal State , many coastal countries have set up the development path of the whole social and economic development . In order to develop the economy , many coastal countries have embarked on the development of the oceans and seas and the marine resources . As a coastal province , Shandong has always put the development of the ocean economy into an important position . In the early 1990s , Shandong has put forward the strategic vision of developing the marine economy .

However , the exploitation and utilization of the marine environment will cause damage to the marine environment and bring many ecological and environmental problems . As the local pollution in the coastal waters of Shandong is serious , the sea area of a kind of sea water is continuously decreasing and the sea area of the four kinds of sea water is continuously increased , and the sea water quality in some sea areas has not met the requirements of the environmental function zoning ;
The land source pollution has not been effectively controlled , and the frequent occurrence of marine disasters such as oil spill and red tide ;
In some important sea areas , some important sea areas have lost their original natural attributes .
Some major economic fish and shrimp spawning grounds and nursery fields have been severely damaged .
Some retroriver fish and shrimp resources were destroyed and the yield was greatly reduced .
The raw silver carp and river crab in the river mouth area of Laizhou Bay are basically extinct , the resources of the harca subcrenata are nearly exhausted , and so on .

On the basis of marine environment protection theories , such as environmental justice theory , environmental contract theory and ecological civilization theory , this paper analyzes the existing problems and causes of marine environmental protection in Shandong province .


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