[Abstract]:As one of the five leading cities in the Hercynian Economic Zone, Fuzhou's marine economy has developed very rapidly, and has become the pillar of Fuzhou's economic development, and the environmental quality of the coastal waters is also under great pressure. In this paper, geographic information system (GIS) is used to partition the coastal waters of Fuzhou, and the trend of environmental carrying capacity of different blocks in Fuzhou is analyzed and evaluated by entropy method. According to the results of environmental carrying capacity evaluation, the distribution of environmental carrying capacity in the coastal waters of Fuzhou is relatively weak in the estuary of the Bay area, which is mainly due to the discharge of pollutants from rivers entering the sea. Coastal areas of urban development and construction and other factors. At the same time, based on the results of the assessment of environmental carrying capacity, the corresponding measures and suggestions are put forward for the development and construction of the coastal waters of Fuzhou and the environmental protection work.
【作者单位】: 环境保护部环境规划院;
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