[Abstract]:[objective] to understand the characteristics of nutrient and eutrophication in the growing area of Gracilaria. To provide scientific basis for the construction of marine grazing land and the selection of algae species for artificial restoration in eutrophication sea area. [methods] the sea areas of Gracilaria granulata and Gracilaria were studied in the sea areas of Shawuli Village and Xiacun in Beihai, Guangxi. Through the annual monitoring of ammonia nitrogen (NH4- N), nitrate nitrogen (NO_3~--N), nitrite nitrogen (NO_2~--N), active phosphate (DIP), chemical oxygen demand (COD), single factor pollution index method and eutrophication index evaluation method were used. The nutrient characteristics and eutrophication level of water quality in the growing area of wild population of Gracilaria tenuistifolia and Gracilaria sinensis were studied in combination with N / P ratio. [results] the contents of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and DIP in the growing area of Gracilaria were higher than those of the four kinds of seawater. The monthly ratio of water quality standard is 67% and 833%. The proportion of COD meeting the three and four kinds of seawater water quality standard is 75% N / P annual fluctuation range is 3.46 ~ 18.14, the average value is 9.05, the month ratio is 92 lower than the Redfield coefficient, the nitrogen limitation is the main characteristic of nutrient structure; The annual fluctuation range of eutrophication index (Ei) is 5.62 ~ 123.25 with an average value of 35.04, showing a serious eutrophication state. The average ei of different seasons is arranged as follows: autumn (54.42) summer (41.95) winter (32.75) spring (11.06). In the growing sea area of Gracilaria, the monthly ratio of DIN and DIP meeting the water quality standards of three or four types of seawater is 100%, with an annual fluctuation range of 1.22 ~ 85.45, with an average of 26.24. The month ratio above the Redfield coefficient is 58 cm, and the phosphorus limit is limited. The main characteristic of nutrient structure is the annual fluctuation range of Ei is 1.82o 12.75, showing a variety of eutrophication states (poor, poor). Light, moderate, severe and severe eutrophication), the average ei of different seasons was: summer (12.75) autumn (4.91) spring (2.13) winter (1.82). [conclusion] DIN and DIP are the main nutrients for the growth of wild populations of Gracilaria and Gracilaria in Beihai, Guangxi. They can be used as algae species for the construction of marine pasture and artificial restoration in eutrophication area, but the tolerance of Gracilaria tenuliflora to eutrophication water is better than that of Gracilaria sinensis.
【作者单位】: 广西大学动物科学技术学院/广西高校水生生物健康养殖与营养调控重点实验室;广西海洋研究所/广西海洋生物技术重点实验室;
【基金】:广西自然科学基金项目(2013GXNSFDA019012) 广西海洋生物技术重点实验室开放基金项目(GLMBT-201502)
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