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发布时间:2018-08-09 20:32
[Abstract]:At the time of twenty-first Century, with the development of social economy, people are becoming more and more aware of the importance of ocean to people's life. In recent years, the research of marine resources development, marine natural environment protection and marine military application has attracted more and more attention. Light detection is an important means of underwater exploration and environmental protection. In this paper, underwater optical field simulation and the algorithm for visible light detection have become the focus of underwater vision and underwater image processing. This paper is based on the real-time simulation of underwater light field under the unknown radiation transmission, and is determined only by the sampling information between adjacent light in the field of view. In the field of underwater light field, the light radiation propagation theory is combined with the theory of light radiation transmission, but it has the drift characteristic influenced by the ocean ocean current and the temperature and salt density factors. Therefore, the optimal estimation theory of nonlinear uncertain system is adopted, and the simulation algorithm of the sampling light field simulation under the unknown condition of the radiating transmission is carried out in combination with the ocean wave theory. A series of studies. For the study of underwater optics, first of all, we need to analyze the theoretical basis of the underwater optical field, understand the characteristics of underwater optics, and then introduce the theory of radiation propagation of light, establish the Monte-Carlo radiation propagation equation of the light field, and build the radiation transmission algorithm of the light field by using the information of the photon in the underwater radiating propagation. Model simulation. Secondly, the precise modeling of the ocean wave field can not abandon the constraints of the temperature and salt characteristics of the sea water, and can not be transformed into a non drift system. Therefore, the position of the wave field is estimated. According to the Stokes theory, the wind sea wave model is established, and the measured data of the ocean refraction are combined, and the least square method is used to fit the model by the interpolation method. To a model of sea water refraction with multiple parameters, then an entropy weight analysis method is introduced to establish an underwater optical field attenuation evaluation system, in order to realize the visualization simulation of the underwater two three-dimensional light field and estimate the space position. Finally, because the ocean current shows a variety of uncertainties, such as the constant known, the constant unknown, the time variation known and the time variable unknown, According to the simulation method of radiation transmission and the equation of the ocean dynamics, we use the nonlinear uncertainty theory, the optimization theory, the system qualitative simulation theory and the adaptive parameter estimation. Through the theory and simulation analysis, the parameter uncertainty and the different special ocean current estimation are studied, and the calculation of the flow field radiation calculation is studied. The robustness and positioning accuracy of the proposed method can realize the visualization of optical graphics drawing in the flow field.


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