[Abstract]:The granularity, granularity parameter calculation and Q cluster analysis of 153 surface sediment samples from the south of the South China Sea were carried out. The grain size distribution characteristics, sedimentary types and influencing factors of surface sediments were discussed. The results show that the main grain-size components of sediment in the study area are clay and silt, and the sediment types are mainly mud, silty sand, silty sand and silty sand, which are basically zonal distribution parallel to the isobath, and combined with the results of Q-type cluster analysis. The sediment of the study area can be divided into two types: the coarse grain sediment (sand and silt) in the outer shelf and the slope break in the continental shelf, and the 500 m isobath of the fine grain sediment (mud) in the continental slope area, which are the dividing lines of the two types of sediments, and the results of grain size analysis are compared. It is concluded that the two types of sediments belong to different genetic types. The outer shelf and continental shelf slope break are mixed deposits of modern sedimentary and residual sediments, the continental slope is modern sedimentation, and the main factor affecting the grain size distribution of surface sediments in the south of the South China Sea is the provenance. Hydrodynamic conditions, depth and topography and ocean currents.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院海洋地质与环境重点实验室;青岛海洋科学与技术海洋国家实验室海洋地质过程与环境功能实验室;
【基金】:全球变化及海气相互作用项目(GASI-04-01-02) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)项目(XDA11030103) 国家自然科学基金项目(41576034) 大陆架科学钻探项目(GZH201100202)
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