[Abstract]:The grey prediction model has the characteristics of low demand for data, but high precision and good effect for medium and short term prediction, and its application is very extensive. According to the relevant data of Guangxi marine economy from 2010 to 2014, the grey model of Guangxi marine economic added value is established and tested, the model is proved to be available, and the value added of Guangxi marine economy is forecasted. By comparing the predicted value with the initial value data, it is found that the added value of the marine scientific research and education management service industry does not match the increase of the added value of marine production in Guangxi, and the increase rate of the added value is slower than that of the added value of the marine production in Guangxi. It shows that Guangxi has not paid enough attention to the corresponding marine scientific research, education and management service industry in attracting marine economic talents, capital and technology, and at the same time, the marine mining industry, marine salt industry, marine shipping industry, marine medicine, marine electric power industry, etc. The proportion of seawater utilization industry to the value added of the main marine industry is very small, both in absolute quantity and relative proportion, which are not matched with the rapid development of Guangxi marine economy. Finally, some conclusions and suggestions are given.
【作者单位】: 钦州学院经济管理学院;
【基金】:2014年广西教育厅科研课题“广西海洋经济可持续发展研究”(YB2014406) 广西高校人文社会科学重点研究基地北部湾海洋文化研究中心2015年度课题“生态文明视阈下广西海洋经济与海洋战略研究”(2015BMCD01) 2014年国家社科基金西部项目“中国-东盟海上互联互通机制研究”(14XGJ004)
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