[Abstract]:In this paper, macrogenome sequencing was used to study the changes of bacterial community structure in the seawater during the red tide recession of Akashiwo sanguinea in Dameisha waters of Shenzhen. Several algae-lysing bacteria with high efficiency were isolated and screened out. The characteristics of algae-lysing bacteria were tested, the algae-lysing substances were isolated and extracted, and the VBNC status of algae-lysing bacteria was changed. The results are as follows: (1) The chlorophyll content, the number of culturable bacteria and the total number of bacteria in the red tide recession period of Dameisha in Shenzhen in June, 2014 were detected. It was found that the chlorophyll content decreased continuously during the whole red tide recession period, but in the late period of red tide recession, the fine content of the sea water was detected. The total bacterial count and the culturable bacterial count had a sudden increase process; the bacterial DNA in water samples was collected by 0.22 micron filter membrane, and the dynamic changes of bacterial community structure during the red tide recession were analyzed by macrogenome sequencing. The results showed that the diversity of bacterial community was higher at the beginning of the red tide recession, and the dominant group was Proteus (P Gamma Proteobacteria in roteobacteria, Firmicutes in the middle stage of red tide recession, and alpha Proteobacteria and beta Proteobacteria also became the dominant class; at the end of red tide recession, gamma Proteobacteria was the dominant class, especially Vibrio. And Pseudoalteromonas; the changes of bacterial number and community structure during the red tide recession provide a basis for further understanding the relationship between algae and bacteria in the process of red tide growth and disappearance; (2) A number of algae-lysing bacteria were isolated from the red tide water samples of Dameisha sea area in Shenzhen, and the strain D84-1 with strong algae-lysing effect was obtained by 16S R. DNA method identifies Vibrio, which is consistent with the result that Vibrio is the dominant bacteria in the red tide recession, indicating that Vibrio with strong algae-lysing effect may play an important role in the rapid red tide recession; (3) The toxic marine Chattonella Marina was used as the experimental algae species to detect the algae-lysis mode of D84-1 and to dissolve it. The results showed that D84-1 was an indirect algae-dissolving agent. The main active components were secreted from cells to supernatant. 10 species of red tide algae, including Hakazakia haematochrome and Cardanella marina, and one species of cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa) had algae-dissolving ability and broad-spectrum. Chlorophyll content decreased, malondialdehyde (MDA), peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) content increased significantly, indicating that the algae cell membrane system was damaged by the algae lysis of D84-1, the antioxidant system produced stress response, and the metabolism of reactive oxygen species was affected. In the process of extracting algae-lysing substances from algae secretion, it was found that ethyl acetate extract had higher algae-lysing activity, while n-butanol extract also had certain algae-lysing effect, and further separation and analysis of algae-lysing substances were still in progress. (4) In the study of VBNC state transition of algae-lysing bacteria D84-1, algae-lysing bacteria D under the conditions of low temperature, oligotrophic and aged sea The results showed that it took 3 days for D84-1 to fully enter the state of VBNC under the condition of low temperature oligotrophic interaction. Temperature played an important role in the induction experiment group of Chen Hai Hai. D84-1 could basically induce the state of VBNC within 6 days at 4 C and D84-1 could basically enter the state of VBNC at 22 C. In the resuscitation experiment, D84-1, which had already entered the VBNC state, could be induced to recover to the normal state more quickly than that of the old sea water, which was consistent with the increase of bacterial culturable number in the sea water during the red tide recession. Obviously, the length of D84-1 cells in normal state is 1-2 micron, rod-like, and the surface is smooth. In VBNC state, the length of D84-1 cells is less than 1 micron, the center has a depression, the cell volume is obviously reduced, and the morphology changes from rod-like to ellipsoid.
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