[Abstract]:However, it is not clear whether the relationship between WPSH and SST has undergone interdecadal variations. Therefore, based on NCEP/NCAR and NOAA reanalysis data, the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of 850 hPa geopotential height anomalies over the Asian-Australian monsoon region is used in this paper. The interdecadal variations of the relationship between EOF main mode and SST factor are analyzed. The results show that the first two modes of EOF and SST forcing factor have obvious interdecadal variations from 1976 to 1977 and 1993 to 1994. According to the interdecadal variations, three periods are divided and the EOF principal component (PC) pairs are compared in three periods. It is found that the SSTA and 850 hPa anomalous wind fields corresponding to PCs in the three periods are different and have obvious interdecadal variations. The discharge process of the "capacitor effect" of the warm sea surface temperature (SST) was obviously suppressed by the subsidence currents during 1978-1992 and 1995-2013, which made it impossible for the Northwest Pacific anticyclone (WNPAC). The positive second principal component (PC2) corresponds to the tropical Indian Ocean in spring and summer in three periods, the warm SST in the sea area near the oceanic continents, and the warm SST in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The cold sea surface temperature over the North Pacific corresponds to a significant equatorial central and Eastern Pacific cold sea surface temperature in summer, while the anomalous anticyclone over the cold sea surface temperature over the North Pacific corresponds to a significant positive North Atlantic Tripole (NAT) only in spring 1954-1975. The phase transition from El Ni?O to La Ni?A is accelerated by the anomalous anticyclone over the cold sea surface temperature over the North Pacific in spring 1995-2013. The enhancement is offset to some extent by the positive anomaly of the tropospheric temperature caused by the tropical North Atlantic warm sea surface temperature. Summer circulation changes in East Asia have an important impact on the interannual variability of summer precipitation in China, while the tropical sea surface temperature plays an important role in the anomaly of summer circulation in East Asia. Therefore, it is necessary to further understand the seasonal prediction model. The predictive ability of East Asian summer circulation and the descriptive ability of the relationship between East Asian summer circulation and tropical SST are studied. Three seasonal prediction models (CFS V2, BCC_CSM V2 and MRI-CGCM) and NCEP/NCAR are used to subdivide the East Asian summer circulation into 1991-2013 NCEP, NCC and TCC. On this basis, the response ability of EASM and WPSH to tropical SST anomalies and the influence of ENSO events on EASM and WPSH prediction are analyzed. The causes of prediction errors are explained. M and WPSH have higher prediction skills, but the TCC model has lower prediction skills for WPSH. The 850 hPa wind field predicted by the three models has an anomalous cyclone in the Northwest Pacific, which makes the prediction of EASM stronger and WPSH weaker. The response of EASM predicted by NCEP model and TCC model is stronger than that predicted by observation in the early tropical Pacific and the early tropical Indian Ocean, and the response of EASM predicted by NCC model to the early and contemporary tropical Pacific SSTA is stronger than that of observation. The mean absolute error (MAE) of EASM and WPSH predicted by the three models in ENSO year is much smaller than that predicted by normal year. The MAE of EASM and WPSH predicted by NCEP and NCC models in La Ni?A and El N? There is little difference in i? O year, while the EASM and WPSH MAE predicted by TCC model are much larger in El Ni? O year than in La Ni? A year, indicating that ENSO event is an important predictable source of summer circulation in East Asia.
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