[Abstract]:The background field formed by the noise and scattering phenomena in the marine environment is an important reason for the random fluctuation of the sound field. Although background field is traditionally regarded as a harmful interference, more and more researches have been done in recent decades to extract marine environmental information from background field. The main content of this paper is the extraction and application of Green's function in background field. Firstly, the environmental noise interferometer (Green's function recovery theory) is studied. The theory shows that the time domain Green's function between the two points can be extracted by using the cross-correlation of the diffusive noise received from the two receivers. Based on K-L transform and stochastic matrix theory, a new data preprocessing technique, diffusion noise filtering, is proposed for the non-diffusivity of the actual marine environmental noise. Experimental data show that the proposed technique can reconstruct diffusive noise components from non-ideal marine environments, enhance the recovery effect of Green's function and output response of passive sounder. Secondly, the simulation and experiment of passive imaging of scatterers are carried out by combining Green's function restoration theory and scatterer imaging technique. In view of the failure of traditional super-resolution techniques such as inverse D.O.R.T and MUSIC due to the unsatisfactory restoration effect of Green function matrix, the Kirchhoff migration imaging algorithm is improved in this paper. The background fluctuation in the cross-correlation envelope of ambient noise is eliminated by using the theory of compression perception, and good experimental results of passive imaging of scatterers are obtained. Finally, according to the principle that random fluctuation of seabed interface and non-uniform distribution of sonic velocity density of sediment layer can cause random fluctuation of echo of sounder, different types of seabed sediment (such as sand, silt, silt), The interface fluctuation and the medium inhomogeneity have different properties, so the echo fluctuation characteristics are different. A time domain high frequency backscattering model is used. The echo data of 20 kHz single beam sounder at 41 stations in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea are studied by means of sediment layer acoustic parameters inversion. Using downhill single row simulated annealing (SIMPSA) algorithm, the mean envelope curve of model output and received echo is matched with maximum likelihood, and the average particle size of submarine sediment is estimated. Experimental data processing shows that the energy normalization of the received echo envelope can effectively reduce the amplitude fluctuation of the echo caused by the experimental uncertainty and reduce the variance of the inversion parameters to 50 unprocessed. The inversion optimal value of average particle size is more consistent with the measured values of sediment samples in laboratory, and the inversion results are applied to the classification of sediment, and the correct recognition rate is 75.6.
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