[Abstract]:Due to the lack of measured data in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean, there is a lack of a clear understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of biogenic elements and their influencing factors in the sea area. Based on the investigation data of the eastern Indian Ocean from March to May 2013, the distribution characteristics of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients and chlorophyll a in the upper tropical Indian Ocean (0 ~ 300m) were analyzed, and the dissolved oxygen values were minimized. The formation mechanism of the first nitrite maximum (PNM) and the subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) were discussed. The main results are as follows: (1) the stratification of the upper Indian Ocean is obvious in spring, and the thermo-salt dense cline is formed at the water depth of 80 ~ 120 m. The thermocline is the deepest near the equator, and the depth of the thermocline becomes shallower from near the equator to the south and north. (2) the thermocline is associated with the thermocline. In spring, there are significant chemical clines in the upper waters of the eastern Indian Ocean (O32--Si et al.), and there is a high coincidence between the chemical elements of the clines and between the chemical clines and the thermoclines. The decrease of pH below the cline, the rapid increase of DIC and nutrient content is caused by the oxidative decomposition of organic matter, and the decomposition of organic matter consumes a large amount of dissolved oxygen. (3) SCM and PNM are common in the subsurface of the eastern Indian Ocean (75 ~ 100m) in spring, and SCM and PNM are located in the middle or lower upper boundary of the thermocline and nutrient cline. The distribution of SCM and PNM were speckled. The depth and magnitude of SCM in the eastern Indian Ocean in spring are affected by light, nutrients and thermocline, and the thermocline plays a major role in controlling the depth and value of SCM. However, PNM has the following effect on SCM, and the incomplete reduction of nitrate in phytoplankton is the main reason for the formation of PNM.
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