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发布时间:2018-12-15 13:20
[Abstract]:At present, marine industry is in a period of vigorous development, and many countries attach great importance to the exploitation and utilization of marine resources. Especially after the 1990s, with the development of human society and the progress of science and technology, on the one hand, the shortage of land resources and the intensification of contradiction between supply and demand make countries put their eyes into the field of the sea, on the other hand, The development of geographic exploration and communication technology provides convenient means and methods for the further development of marine resources. All things are contradictory unity, and the sea is no exception. It not only provides abundant resources for human beings, but also intensifies the outbreak of marine environmental crisis, which is the silent revenge of the sea on human beings. In the global scope, the marine economy has attracted sufficient attention, compared with the understanding and management of the marine environmental crisis is lagging behind and lacking. From "the profit of fishing and salt," to the use of advanced technology and equipment for seafloor survey today, the history of mankind's use of the sea is much longer than that of harnessing the sea. In modern society, people gradually realize the importance of ocean crisis management to realize the sustainable development of marine environment, and marine environmental crisis management should be further developed and paid more attention to. As a specific field of marine public crisis, marine environmental crisis can be divided into two categories. It has not only the characteristics of general crisis, but also its own particularity. The occurrence frequency is high, the duration is long, the management difficulty is big, the human factor increases. The complexity and diversity of the marine environmental crisis make the government become the dominant governance crisis. And the marine environment has the attribute of public resources, in order to prevent the externalities, the government should assume the responsibility of management. From the point of view of government capacity building, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to discuss how to strengthen the capacity of the government to manage the marine environmental crisis. Marine environmental crisis management requires higher government capacity, higher capacity for social control, international cooperation, resource allocation and integration, and public decision-making capacity. Facing the current situation that the government's crisis management ability is insufficient, it is necessary to build and enhance the government's marine environmental crisis management ability from all directions and from many angles: to improve the supply ability of law and system, the government's crisis information processing ability, and the training ability of marine talents. Coordinate the ability of cooperation and learning.


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