[Abstract]:Particulate organic carbon (POC) in seawater is one of the most important parameters linking marine life and non-life processes. The role of particulate organic carbon (POC) in the global carbon cycle is extremely important. It is a prerequisite to reveal its important role by accurately obtaining the content of particulate organic carbon in seawater. At present, determination of POC by elemental analyzer is the most commonly used method. However, when analyzing membrane samples of particulate organic carbon filtration in seawater by elemental analyser, it is difficult to package samples, and the filter membrane has serious damage to reaction tubes, and ash is difficult to be cleaned up. Seriously affect the normal use of the instrument. In this paper, the analytical method of particulate organic carbon in seawater has been established by using the solid sampling device of total organic carbon analyzer, the pretreatment process of the sample has been optimized, and the blank correction of glass fiber membrane has been carried out. The effect of acidizing method and time on the determination results was investigated. The detection limit of the method was CL (C) = 0.019. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of POC of seawater samples from three different sampling stations in the coastal waters of Qingdao is 0.950.66% (nnt12). The results are reproducible and have high precision. The results are verified by GDS-9 of the national standard samples. The results were in agreement with the standard values and showed that the method was accurate and reliable and could meet the requirements for the accurate determination of particulate organic carbon (POC) in seawater. The established method overcomes the disadvantages of conventional elemental analyzer for the determination of POC and reduces the maintenance cost of the instrument.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院海洋研究所;
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