[Abstract]:Arctic sea ice plays a very important role in modulating global climate. Sea ice range is the basic parameter of sea ice monitoring. In the past 40 years, the Arctic region has continued to warm and the Arctic sea ice has decreased significantly, which leads to the deterioration of the Arctic natural environment, the frequent occurrence of extreme weather in the Northern Hemisphere, and a series of environmental and climatic problems such as global sea level rise and so on. Accurately obtaining the Arctic sea ice range and its evolution trend and determining the response of sea ice change to the global climate system is the key to study and predict the global climate change trend. Has ISST and OISST sea ice data sets are the most widely used in sea ice monitoring. It can provide basic data for the study of sea ice change of long time series in the Arctic region, but the spatial resolution of these two sets of data sets is relatively low, and the application of these two sets of data sets to the study of the climate response of China to the key areas of the Arctic has great limitations. To address this problem and fill the gaps in domestic microwave remote sensing data for sea ice monitoring, the National Satellite Meteorological Center (National Satellite Meteorological Center,NSMC) released the FY (Fengyun,FY) Arctic Sea Ice data set on June 27, 2011. The data set is based on the microwave imager (Microwave Radiation Imager,MWRI data on the FY satellite and is made using the Enhance NASA Team algorithm, which uses forward radiative transfer models to simulate four sea surface types (sea water, new ice) in the Arctic. One-year ice and multi-year ice) the brightness temperature of MWRI radiation under different atmospheric conditions, and then get a 100% sea ice coverage lookup table under each atmospheric condition (the sea ice coverage increases by 1% each time). The sea ice coverage is obtained by comparing the observed values with the simulated values. The Arctic sea ice range calculated from the data set is consistent with the actual situation in most areas. Although the product has carried out the correction of inter-channel matching error and positioning accuracy deviation, but because of its limited antenna length of microwave imager (Microwave Radiation Imager,MWRI), the echo signal of ground objects detected by the sensor is relatively weak. It is difficult to distinguish sea ice from land near shore, which affects the accuracy and application of the data set. In order to solve this problem, this paper optimizes the FY sea ice data set based on the sea ice product released by the Ice and Snow Center of the United States (National Snow and Ice Data Center,NSIDC), and the NSIDC product uses the judgment matrix to identify the pixels near the coastline. The error pixels are corrected to some extent, and the Arctic sea ice range calculated by NSIDC products is more consistent with the actual situation. The accuracy of FY sea ice data set is greatly improved by data set optimization. The results show that the correlation coefficient between FY sea ice data set and NSIDC product is up to 0.9997, and the daily, monthly and annual maximum sea ice range deviation between the two data sets is only 3.5%. 1.9%, 0.9%, and the optimization process of FY sea ice data set had no obvious effect on its good spatial differentiation characteristics. The data set can accurately reflect the Arctic sea ice range and its variation, and the distribution of sea ice near the coastline is more accurate, which can provide reliable basic data for the study of Arctic sea ice change.
【作者单位】: 山东科技大学测绘科学与工程学院海岛(礁)测绘技术国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室;中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所中国科学院数字地球重点实验室遥感科学国家重点实验室;国家气候中心国家卫星气象中心中国气象局;
【基金】:中国气象局气候变化专项(CCSF201502) 遥感科学国家重点实验室自由探索/青年人才项目“基于地形自相似理论的湖泊水储量遥感估算方法研究”(Y6Y00200KZ) 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目“近30年青藏高原湖泊水面变化及其区域气候效应”(41440010)
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