[Abstract]:Based on the transfer entropy and reanalysis data, the information transmission in the tropical Middle East Pacific Ocean and its atmosphere under different ENSO phases is discussed. the results show that the information is output by ocean in El Ni 帽 o, La Nina and neutral states. Atmospheric input information is the dominant feature, and the spatial distribution pattern of ocean and atmospheric input and output information is similar. Compared with the neutral state, the input and output information of the ocean and the atmosphere is stronger in the El Ni 帽 o and La Nina states, and the input and output information of the ocean and the atmosphere is slightly stronger in the La Nina state than in the El Ni 帽 o state. The relationship between atmospheric information transmission intensity and SST anomaly over tropical Middle East Pacific Ocean and its sky is analyzed by rearrangement sliding random sampling method, with emphasis on the asymmetry of atmospheric information transmission over tropical Middle East Pacific Ocean and its sky. It is revealed that the change of ocean-to-atmosphere information transmission with SST anomaly can be divided into three stages: quasi-La Nina-like, quasi-neutral state and El-Nino-like stage: la Nina-like stage, with the weakening of low sea surface temperature information transmission gradually weakened; In the quasi-neutral state, there is no significant change trend in the transition process from low SST to high SST, and El Nino-like information transmission increases gradually with the enhancement of SST. The asymmetry of atmospheric information transmission in the tropical Middle East Pacific Ocean and over it is the asymmetry of the threshold and the degree of linear trend between the information transmission in the quasi-La Nina and El Ni 帽 o-like stages and the SST anomaly. In addition, the change of atmospheric-to-ocean information transmission with SST is similar to that of ocean-to-atmospheric information transmission with SST, that is, when the ocean-to-atmosphere information transmission is strong, the atmospheric-to-ocean information transmission is equally strong, and vice versa. Moreover, there is also asymmetry in the information transmission from the atmosphere to the ocean with the change of SST.
【作者单位】: 国家气象信息中心;中国气象局气候研究开放实验室;兰州大学大气科学学院;
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(2012CB955203) 国家自然科学基金(41205040、41105055、41305059) 公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201306021)
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