发布时间:2021-01-31 12:21
水质量是衡量影响河口海岸区域生态环境的重要指标。而悬浮泥沙浓度和漫衰减系数均是影响水质量的关键参数之一。但是实地监测或者设立台站耗时耗力成本巨大,且测量数据区域代表性尚待考究,亟需准确低廉的大面遥感监测补充。准确性和时效性是实施遥感监测的前提,本文围绕实测数据和卫星遥感图像处理两个最主要的环节,对遥感监测悬浮泥沙和漫衰减系数的准确性展开深入研究,并探讨了时效性解决方案。本文第二部分围绕实测数据获取与处理过程,介绍了海洋调查船测量水体光学性质过程及所用仪器,总结和对比了6种光谱数据的获取和处理模型,创新地发展了适合浑浊水体的生物光学模型,总结对比了28种适合浑浊水体的遥感反演算法。准确的实测数据至少可以满足两方面的需求:1)生物光学模型建立和验证需要准确地实测水体光学性质,例如固有光学量(IOPs)、几何条件等等;2)大气校正之后的卫星信号转化为准确的遥感反射率(Rrs(λ))等。本文简单介绍了海洋遥感实地调查过程中常用的几种仪器和操作过程中应注意的问题。本文总结对比了Mobley model (MM), Whitlock model (M), Ruddick-Mobley mode1(...
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:99 页
Ch.1. Introduction
1.1. Research Significance
1.2. The Research Progress in the Water Quality Satellite Remote Sensing
1.2.1 The Research Progress of Radiometric Measurement
1.2.2 The Research Progress of Retrieval of SSC
d(λ)"> 1.2.3 The Research Progress of Retrieval of Kd(λ)
1.2.4 The Research Progress of Atmospheric Correction
1.2.5 The Research Progress of Fast Computing
d(λ)"> 1.2.6 The Research Progress of Temperal and Spatial Analysis of SSC and Kd(λ)
1.3. The Innovation of the Current Study
Ch.2. Retrieval Algorithm based on Field Measurement
2.1. Research Region and Material
2.2. Field Data Collection
2.2.1. Above Water Radiometric Measurements
2.2.2. In-Water Measurements
2.2.3. SSC Measurements
rs(λ) and ρsky(λ) from Radiometric Measurements"> 2.3. Deriving Rrs(λ) and ρsky(λ) from Radiometric Measurements
2.3.1. Description of the Literature Models
rs(λ) Radiometric Models"> 2.3.2. Results Comparison of Applying Different Rrs(λ) Radiometric Models
2.4. Modeling SSC Relative to the Spectral Remote-Sensing Reflectance
2.4.1. Relationship between SSC and IOPs
rs(λ), IOPs and measurement geometry conditions"> 2.4.2 Relationships between the rrs(λ), IOPs and measurement geometry conditions
rs(λ) and Rrs(λ)"> 2.4.3 Relationships between the rrs(λ) and Rrs(λ)
rs(λ) and SSC"> 2.4.4 Relationships between the Rrs(λ) and SSC
rs(λ)"> 2.5. SSC retrieval algorithm from Rrs(λ)
rs(λ) versus SSC Relationships"> 2.5.1. Comparison between Different Empirical Rrs(λ) versus SSC Relationships
Ch.3. Satellite Image Processing Algorithm
3.1. The Current Situatuation with the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Modeling
3.2. The Variable Precipitable Water Vapor(PWV) and Total Column Ozone (TCO)
3.3. A Simplified Analytical Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Model
3.3.1. Analytical Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Modeling
3.3.2. Comparison between the 6S and the Analytical Model (AA)
3.4. The commonly Used Approach of Atmospheric Correction
3.4.1. The Black Ocean Approach for Clear Water
3.4.2. Strategy of Combined NIR-SWIR Approach for Clear and Turbid Water
3.4.3. Strategy of "Best Fit" Algorithm
3.5. Generation of Lookup Tables
3.6. Modified NIR-SWIR Approach
3.6.1. Modified NIR-SWIR algorithm
3.6.2. Compared Modified NIR-SWIR Result with Field Measurement and MOD09 products
3.7. Cloud Mask
3.8. Destriping
Ch.4. Date Computing Part of Real-time Monitoring System
4.1. Background
4.2. The Image Processing in Real-time Monitoring System
4.3. Variable Data Format Input
4.4. GPUs accelerate image processing
d Temperal and Spatial Anaysis"> 4.5. MODIS-based SSC & Kd Temperal and Spatial Anaysis
Conclusions and Prospect
The Published Papers
1. The abbreviations, physical parameters, and their units
[1]基于GPU并行运算的高效雷达成像谱估计算法[J]. 贾伟伟,张启梅,许小剑. 制导与引信. 2014(04)
[2]杭州湾HJ CCD影像悬浮泥沙遥感定量反演[J]. 刘王兵,于之锋,周斌,蒋锦刚,潘玉良,凌在盈. 遥感学报. 2013(04)
[3]Spatial distribution of penetration depth in Taihu Lake (China) during spring and autumn[J]. 赵巧华,魏瀛珠,欧阳潇然. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2013(04)
[4]Application of MODIS data in monitoring suspended sediment of Taihu Lake,China[J]. 蒋兴伟,唐军武,张民伟,马荣华,丁静. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2009(03)
[5]Retrieval of suspended sediment concentrations in the turbid water of the Upper Yangtze River using Landsat ETM+[J]. WANG JianJun~(1+) LU XiXi~1 ZHOU Yue~2 1 Department of Geography,National University of Singapore,10 Kent Ridge Crescent,119260 Singapore; 2 Department of Environmental Science,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2007(S2)
[6]水体光谱测量与分析Ⅰ:水面以上测量法[J]. 唐军武,田国良,汪小勇,王晓梅,宋庆君. 遥感学报. 2004(01)
[7]Seasonal,neap-spring variation of sediment concentration in the joint area between Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay[J]. 陈沈良. Science in China(Series B). 2001(S1)
[8]Remote sensing analysis of surface suspended sediment concentration in the Changjiang Estuary[J]. 何青,恽才兴,时伟荣. Progress in Natural Science. 1999(06)
[9]长江河口最大浑浊带的泥沙特性和输移规律[J]. 李九发,时伟荣,沈焕庭. 地理研究. 1994(01)
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:99 页
Ch.1. Introduction
1.1. Research Significance
1.2. The Research Progress in the Water Quality Satellite Remote Sensing
1.2.1 The Research Progress of Radiometric Measurement
1.2.2 The Research Progress of Retrieval of SSC
d(λ)"> 1.2.3 The Research Progress of Retrieval of Kd(λ)
1.2.4 The Research Progress of Atmospheric Correction
1.2.5 The Research Progress of Fast Computing
d(λ)"> 1.2.6 The Research Progress of Temperal and Spatial Analysis of SSC and Kd(λ)
1.3. The Innovation of the Current Study
Ch.2. Retrieval Algorithm based on Field Measurement
2.1. Research Region and Material
2.2. Field Data Collection
2.2.1. Above Water Radiometric Measurements
2.2.2. In-Water Measurements
2.2.3. SSC Measurements
rs(λ) and ρsky(λ) from Radiometric Measurements"> 2.3. Deriving Rrs(λ) and ρsky(λ) from Radiometric Measurements
2.3.1. Description of the Literature Models
rs(λ) Radiometric Models"> 2.3.2. Results Comparison of Applying Different Rrs(λ) Radiometric Models
2.4. Modeling SSC Relative to the Spectral Remote-Sensing Reflectance
2.4.1. Relationship between SSC and IOPs
rs(λ), IOPs and measurement geometry conditions"> 2.4.2 Relationships between the rrs(λ), IOPs and measurement geometry conditions
rs(λ) and Rrs(λ)"> 2.4.3 Relationships between the rrs(λ) and Rrs(λ)
rs(λ) and SSC"> 2.4.4 Relationships between the Rrs(λ) and SSC
rs(λ)"> 2.5. SSC retrieval algorithm from Rrs(λ)
rs(λ) versus SSC Relationships"> 2.5.1. Comparison between Different Empirical Rrs(λ) versus SSC Relationships
Ch.3. Satellite Image Processing Algorithm
3.1. The Current Situatuation with the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Modeling
3.2. The Variable Precipitable Water Vapor(PWV) and Total Column Ozone (TCO)
3.3. A Simplified Analytical Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Model
3.3.1. Analytical Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Modeling
3.3.2. Comparison between the 6S and the Analytical Model (AA)
3.4. The commonly Used Approach of Atmospheric Correction
3.4.1. The Black Ocean Approach for Clear Water
3.4.2. Strategy of Combined NIR-SWIR Approach for Clear and Turbid Water
3.4.3. Strategy of "Best Fit" Algorithm
3.5. Generation of Lookup Tables
3.6. Modified NIR-SWIR Approach
3.6.1. Modified NIR-SWIR algorithm
3.6.2. Compared Modified NIR-SWIR Result with Field Measurement and MOD09 products
3.7. Cloud Mask
3.8. Destriping
Ch.4. Date Computing Part of Real-time Monitoring System
4.1. Background
4.2. The Image Processing in Real-time Monitoring System
4.3. Variable Data Format Input
4.4. GPUs accelerate image processing
d Temperal and Spatial Anaysis"> 4.5. MODIS-based SSC & Kd Temperal and Spatial Anaysis
Conclusions and Prospect
The Published Papers
1. The abbreviations, physical parameters, and their units
[1]基于GPU并行运算的高效雷达成像谱估计算法[J]. 贾伟伟,张启梅,许小剑. 制导与引信. 2014(04)
[2]杭州湾HJ CCD影像悬浮泥沙遥感定量反演[J]. 刘王兵,于之锋,周斌,蒋锦刚,潘玉良,凌在盈. 遥感学报. 2013(04)
[3]Spatial distribution of penetration depth in Taihu Lake (China) during spring and autumn[J]. 赵巧华,魏瀛珠,欧阳潇然. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2013(04)
[4]Application of MODIS data in monitoring suspended sediment of Taihu Lake,China[J]. 蒋兴伟,唐军武,张民伟,马荣华,丁静. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2009(03)
[5]Retrieval of suspended sediment concentrations in the turbid water of the Upper Yangtze River using Landsat ETM+[J]. WANG JianJun~(1+) LU XiXi~1 ZHOU Yue~2 1 Department of Geography,National University of Singapore,10 Kent Ridge Crescent,119260 Singapore; 2 Department of Environmental Science,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650093,China. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2007(S2)
[6]水体光谱测量与分析Ⅰ:水面以上测量法[J]. 唐军武,田国良,汪小勇,王晓梅,宋庆君. 遥感学报. 2004(01)
[7]Seasonal,neap-spring variation of sediment concentration in the joint area between Yangtze Estuary and Hangzhou Bay[J]. 陈沈良. Science in China(Series B). 2001(S1)
[8]Remote sensing analysis of surface suspended sediment concentration in the Changjiang Estuary[J]. 何青,恽才兴,时伟荣. Progress in Natural Science. 1999(06)
[9]长江河口最大浑浊带的泥沙特性和输移规律[J]. 李九发,时伟荣,沈焕庭. 地理研究. 1994(01)