发布时间:2021-10-29 11:33
El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO)是热带太平洋海气作用最强的年际信号,其变化会引起全球气候异常,对东亚季风具有重要影响。2000年后中部型ElNi?o频繁发生,掀起了ENSO多样性研究热潮; El Ni?o的复杂性也对ENSO理论研究和预测提出了新的挑战。为进一步理解并深入研究ENSO物理机制,本文总结了近年来对两类ENSO的最新认识;特别对副热带太平洋通过海气界面"大气桥"和太平洋副热带-热带经向环流圈的内部经向翻转环流这一"海洋通道"与热带太平洋建立联系的相关成果进行了阐述,并对存在的关键问题进行了展望。
【文章来源】:海洋科学. 2020,44(08)北大核心
【文章页数】:7 页
[1]Evolution of the 2015/16 El Nio and historical perspective since 1979[J]. Yan XUE,Arun KUMAR. Science China(Earth Sciences). 2017(09)
[2]Processes involved in the second-year warming of the 2015 El Nio event as derived from an intermediate ocean model[J]. ZHANG RongHua,GAO Chuan. Science China(Earth Sciences). 2017(09)
[3]Interdecadal Variations of ENSO around 1999/2000[J]. Zeng-Zhen HU,Arun KUMAR,Bohua HUANG,Jieshun ZHU,Hong-Li REN. Journal of Meteorological Research. 2017(01)
[4]El Ni盛期印度夏季风水汽输送在我国华北地区夏季降水异常中的作用[J]. 张人禾. 高原气象. 1999(04)
[5]A Diagnostic Study of the Impact of El Nion on the Precipitation in China[J]. 张人禾. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 1999(02)
[6]ENSO事件对我国季节降水和温度的影响[J]. 刘永强,丁一汇. 大气科学. 1995(02)
[7]The Influence of ENSO on the Summer Climate Change in China and Its Mechanism[J]. 黄荣辉,吴仪芳. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 1989(01)
【文章来源】:海洋科学. 2020,44(08)北大核心
【文章页数】:7 页
[1]Evolution of the 2015/16 El Nio and historical perspective since 1979[J]. Yan XUE,Arun KUMAR. Science China(Earth Sciences). 2017(09)
[2]Processes involved in the second-year warming of the 2015 El Nio event as derived from an intermediate ocean model[J]. ZHANG RongHua,GAO Chuan. Science China(Earth Sciences). 2017(09)
[3]Interdecadal Variations of ENSO around 1999/2000[J]. Zeng-Zhen HU,Arun KUMAR,Bohua HUANG,Jieshun ZHU,Hong-Li REN. Journal of Meteorological Research. 2017(01)
[4]El Ni盛期印度夏季风水汽输送在我国华北地区夏季降水异常中的作用[J]. 张人禾. 高原气象. 1999(04)
[5]A Diagnostic Study of the Impact of El Nion on the Precipitation in China[J]. 张人禾. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 1999(02)
[6]ENSO事件对我国季节降水和温度的影响[J]. 刘永强,丁一汇. 大气科学. 1995(02)
[7]The Influence of ENSO on the Summer Climate Change in China and Its Mechanism[J]. 黄荣辉,吴仪芳. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 1989(01)