[Abstract]:According to the characteristics of bauxite in China, the alumina production mainly adopts Bayer process, sintering process and mixing method. The calcination process in Bayer process is the necessary and final process of alumina production. It has a very important effect on the quality of alumina products. The process has long process, long detection lag, strong nonlinearity and complex process mechanism, serious correlation between equipments, large variation of working conditions, such as frequent fluctuation of raw material composition, scarring of equipment, etc. The traditional strategy is difficult to realize the operation optimization in order to realize the production purpose of automatic control and optimal operation. Therefore, the importance and complexity of roasting process, as well as the requirement of automation put forward by modern industrial development, make more and more attention to roasting process control system. Based on the alumina roasting process of an aluminum factory in Guangxi, the quality prediction of alumina roasting process and the optimization control of comprehensive working conditions were studied in this paper, and some research results were obtained. The main contents of this paper are summarized as follows: (1) firstly, by analyzing the mechanism of alumina roasting process, the factors affecting quality index are found, and the characteristics of roasting process are analyzed, and the field data are filtered by 5.3 times method. Correlation analysis and box diagram analysis are used to eliminate outliers of field data. (2) combined with mechanism analysis, the input variables of soft sensor model of alumina quality index are selected by using principal component analysis and correlation analysis and other data processing methods. The chaos gray wolf algorithm is used to optimize the initial weights and deviations of the online sequential limit learning machine, and the quality prediction model of alumina is established. The soft sensor model established in this paper has high precision and generalization ability, and realizes the effective estimation of alumina quality index. It also creates conditions for optimal control of roasting process. (3) on the basis of the above work, the present situation and existing problems of operation parameter control in roasting process are further analyzed. On the premise of ensuring the quality index of alumina, the optimal operation control model of alumina roasting process is established, and the optimized operation parameters are obtained by solving the model by using the chaotic gray wolf optimization algorithm with constraints. That is, roasting main furnace temperature and ID fan power, feed volume, etc. The simulation results of actual production data show that the optimal control model is effective. (4) the operation optimization control system of alumina roasting process under integrated operating conditions is designed. The system uses Ethernet and industrial cable to connect with device layer and control layer, and realizes simulation data interaction through internal protocol conversion, so as to realize the function and information of the control system. The experimental results show that according to the real time change of the parameters in the alumina production process, the optimal control system can get the optimal setting value of the basic control loop. The quality index of alumina and its key operating parameters are controlled within the target range to ensure the normal operation of alumina production and roasting process.
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