[Abstract]:Boron oxide, silicon carbide and artificial graphite were used to make inorganic modification of modified bitumen coal tar compound binder, and prepared carbon paste for aluminum electrolysis with electric calcined anthracite, cooked bitumen and bituminous coke. The conventional properties of additives on carbon paste were studied. The effects of expansion / contraction and weightlessness. The results showed that the volume expansion of the carbon paste during the heating process was significantly decreased, and the expansion / shrinkage process of the carbon paste was changed, but the thermal shrinkage after constant temperature was not reduced. The artificial graphite additive can effectively improve the ash content, bulk density, compressive strength and slow down the weight loss process of the carbon paste. At the same time, the carbon residue value was increased from 86.30% to 88.73. The inorganic modification effect of artificial graphite additive was much better than that of boron oxide and silicon carbide additive.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范大学材料与建筑工程学院;贵州省铝电解炭素材料工程技术研究中心;贵州省教育厅无机非金属功能材料重点实验室;
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