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发布时间:2019-03-10 21:50
【摘要】:镁硼酸盐是一种重要的化工原料,广泛应用于无碱玻璃纤维、陶瓷、阻燃剂、非线性光学材料、农业等领域。我国硼资源主要以东北地区的硼镁矿、硼铁矿等固体矿和西部的盐湖卤水液体矿的形式存在,迄今尚未发现可供直接开采的硼酸镁矿资源。目前,我国镁硼酸盐还处于研发阶段,硼酸镁产品需求主要依靠进口。我国西部丰富的盐湖资源中富含硼、镁资源,为镁硼酸盐的开发利用提供了资源保障。本文针对我国西部盐湖卤水资源,开展了不同形态镁硼酸盐的合成、表征及其热化学性质研究,对于指导盐湖卤水资源的开发利用具有重要的意义。本论文以硼砂、硼酸、硫酸镁、碱式碳酸镁和去离子水为原料,通过控制不同的反应温度、反应时间等合成条件和重结晶,成功制备了高纯度的三方硼镁石(MgB_6O_(10)·7.5H_2O)、章氏硼镁石(MgB_4O_7·9H_2O)、多水硼镁石(Mg_2B_6O_(11)·15H_2O),并采用化学分析、X-ray粉晶衍射、FT-IR、TG-DSC等测定技术对合成产品进行了鉴定与表征,提出了镁硼酸盐沉淀析出时可能存在的反应机理。由于氢氧化镁杂质的干扰,合成的柱硼镁石(MgB_2O_4·3H_2O)纯度较低,本文未再做深入研究。热容是物质的基本性质,可反映溶液体系溶质与溶剂之间的相互作用,是化工生产不可或缺的基础数据之一。本论文利用SetaramBT 2.15微量热技术,分别测定了MgB_3O_3(OH)5-H_2O 体系、MgB_4O_5(OH)_4-H_2O 体系和 MgB_6O_7(OH)_6-H_2O 体系在 298.15 K不同浓度的热容,计算了三种镁硼酸盐溶液在不同浓度下的表观摩尔热容,并获得了热容和表观摩尔热容与溶液浓度之间的关系式。基于MgB_3O_3(OH)_5-H_2O体系、MgB_4O_5(OH)_4-H_2O体系和MgB_6O_7(OH)_6-H_2O体系在298.15 K实验测定结果,应用Pitzer电解质溶液离子相互模型,首次拟合获得了三方硼镁石(MgB_6O_(10)·7.5H_2O)、章氏硼镁石(MgB_4O_7·9H_2O)和多水硼镁石(Mg_2B_6O_(11)·15H_2O)的Pitzer单盐参数。
[Abstract]:Magnesium borate is an important chemical raw material, widely used in non-alkali glass fiber, ceramics, flame retardants, nonlinear optical materials, agriculture and other fields. The boron resources in China are mainly in the form of borate magnesite, boronite and other solid ores in northeast China and salt lake brine liquid ore in the western part of China. So far, the borate magnesite resources which can be directly exploited have not been found. At present, magnesium borate in our country is still in the research and development stage, the demand of magnesium borate mainly depends on import. The rich resources of salt lakes in western China are rich in boron and magnesium, which provide resources for the development and utilization of magnesium borates. In this paper, the synthesis, characterization and thermochemical properties of magnesium borates from salt lakes in western China have been studied. It is of great significance to guide the development and utilization of brine resources in salt lakes. In this paper, borax, boric acid, magnesium sulfate, basic magnesium carbonate and deionized water as raw materials, by controlling the different reaction temperature, reaction time and other synthetic conditions and recrystallization, High purity MgB_6O_ (10) 7.5H_2O, MgB_4O_ 7.9H _ 2O and Mg_2B_6O_ (11) 15H_2O were prepared and analyzed. The synthesized products were identified and characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and FT-IR,TG-DSC, and the possible reaction mechanism of mg-borate precipitation was put forward. Because of the interference of magnesium hydroxide impurities, the purity of MgB_2O_ 4 路3H 2O is low. No further study has been done in this paper. Heat capacity is the basic property of substances, which can reflect the interaction between solute and solvent in solution system, and is one of the indispensable basic data for chemical production. In this paper, the microthermal technique of SetaramBT 2.15 was used to determine the MgB_3O_3 (OH) 5-H_2O system. The apparent molar heat capacities of three magnesium borate solutions at 298.15 K were calculated for MgB_4O_5 (OH) _ 4-H_2O system and MgB_6O_7 (OH) _ 6-H_2O system at different concentrations. The relationship between the heat capacity and the apparent molar heat capacity and the concentration of the solution was obtained. Based on MgB_3O_3 (OH) _ 5-H_2O system, MgB_4O_5 (OH) _ 4-H_2O system and MgB_6O_7 (OH) _ 6-H_2O system, the results were determined at 298.15 K. Trigonal brucite (MgB_6O_ (10) 7.5H_2O) was obtained by Pitzer electrolyte ion interaction model for the first time. Pitzer monosalt parameters of brucite (MgB_4O_ 7.9H _ 2O) and polybrucite (Mg_2B_6O_ (11) 15H_2O).


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