本文关键词:高速公路施工期环保效果评价研究 出处:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The rapid development of our country expressway, driven in the social and economic development and environmental issues are also increasingly prominent. A long period of time of highway construction on environmental impact, especially the impact on the ecological environment is long, irreversible. The current research on the highway environmental protection are environmental impact assessment prior to the construction and operation period the environmental impact assessment. Under this background, the research aiming at the highway construction period environmental effect evaluation. This paper firstly introduces the main influence of freeway construction on the environment and the corresponding environmental protection measures, comprehensive evaluation theory, and the effect of environmental protection of highway construction period are defined. On this basis, the primary evaluation index the highway construction period environmental protection effect, then the evaluation indexes were selected by Delphi method and mathematical statistics method, to determine the highway The evaluation index system of environmental protection effect during the construction period, clear indicators of evaluation criteria. Combining the weights of AHP and cluster analysis method, analytic hierarchy process weakens the disadvantage, which makes the weight more reasonable. The establishment of highway construction period environmental effect evaluation model using grey system comprehensive evaluation, evaluation of examples, and the evaluation results of the analysis, combined with the actual situation of the project to give suggestions for improvement. Examples to prove the practicality and system evaluation model of grey system, it can realize the layer analysis of highway construction period environmental effect evaluation index system, internal relations more in-depth understanding the advantages of each index layer and the insufficiency as well as the index, more conducive to the construction of enterprises targeted for improvement. Evaluation of highway construction period environmental protection effect not only for the government, the owners to provide environmental protection effect evaluation criterion, also It can guide the implementation and improvement of environmental protection measures for construction enterprises and promote the environmental protection during the construction period of the expressway.
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