本文关键词:淄博某污水处理厂能耗特征分析及节能途径研究 出处:《清华大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来随着水污染现象越来越严重,污水处理厂的建设十分迅速,但受运行能耗高影响,部分污水处理厂存在运行费用不足、污水处理设施运行不正常的现象。对污水处理厂开展节能降耗措施研究,对于降低污水处理成本具有非常重要的现实意义。本文主要对淄博市某污水处理厂的运行情况及能耗情况进行分析,总结主要能耗特点及污水处理各工艺单元的能耗水平,得出各工艺单元可采取的节能措施,并对其可行性及节能措施效果进行分析,为类似污水处理厂的节能工作提供借鉴。该污水处理厂进水以工业废水为主,进水COD浓度多集中在350~500mg/L之间,进水氨氮浓度在30~45mg/L之间,进水SS浓度在300~500mg/L之间,主体工艺采用A~2/O工艺,出水执行一级A排放标准,吨水电耗平均为0.281kWh/m3,略低于一般A~2/O工艺污水处理厂吨水电耗。在直接生产成本组成中,电费是主要组成部分,占直接生产比例的60%以上;各工艺单元能耗构成比例从高到低依次为:生化处理单元(55.85%)、预处理单元(22.6%)、深度处理单元(12.4%)、污泥处理单元(9.15%);各工艺单元主要耗电设备分别为:进水泵、鼓风机、二级提升泵、脱水机,占总用电量的比例分别为:20.3%,38.7%,8.46%,8.25%。该污水处理厂关键设备是节能工作的重点。通过改变进水泵叶轮直径、风机运行实行溶解氧自控调整、合并剩余污泥排放提高脱水机进泥含固率等措施,节能效果明显。各项节能措施后,平均吨水电耗降低15%,其中进水泵改造后,吨水提升单耗降低0.012kWh/m3;溶解氧自动控制后,平均气水比由3.5降至2.85,吨水曝气单耗降低0.012kWh/m3;剩余污泥合并处理后,脱水机平均进泥含固率由6.4%提高至10.9%,平均吨水处理单耗由原来的0.025 kWh/m3降至0.021 kWh/m3。完成改造后,污水厂的平均吨水电耗降为0.239 kWh/m3,降低0.042kWh/m3,年运行费用降低149万元,取得了较好效果。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with more and more serious water pollution, the construction of sewage treatment plant is very rapid, but due to the high operating energy consumption, some sewage treatment plants have insufficient operating costs. The phenomenon of abnormal operation of sewage treatment facilities. Research on energy saving and consumption reduction measures for sewage treatment plants. It is very important to reduce the cost of sewage treatment. This paper mainly analyzes the operation and energy consumption of a sewage treatment plant in Zibo. Summing up the main energy consumption characteristics and the energy consumption level of each process unit of sewage treatment, get the energy saving measures that can be taken by each process unit, and analyze its feasibility and the effect of energy saving measures. The main influent of the wastewater treatment plant is industrial wastewater, and the concentration of influent COD is mainly between 350 mg / L and 500 mg / L. The influent ammonia nitrogen concentration is between 30 ~ 45mg / L, and the influent SS concentration is between 300 ~ 500mg / L. The main process adopts An / 2 / O process, and the effluent carries out the first class A discharge standard. The average consumption of water and electricity per ton is 0.281 kWhs / m3, which is slightly lower than that of conventional A / 2 / O process wastewater treatment plants. In the composition of direct production costs, electricity is the main component. More than 60% of direct production; The proportion of energy consumption of each process unit from high to low is as follows: biochemical treatment unit 55.85, pretreatment unit 22.6am, advanced treatment unit 12.4. Sludge treatment unit 9.15%; The main power consumption equipment of each process unit is: feed pump, blower, two-stage lifting pump, dehydrator, the proportion of the total electricity consumption is respectively 8.46%. 8.25. the key equipment of the sewage treatment plant is the focus of energy-saving work. By changing the diameter of the impeller of the feed pump, the fan operation is automatically regulated by dissolved oxygen. Combined with excess sludge discharge to increase the solid content of the dewatcher sludge, the energy-saving effect is obvious. After all the energy-saving measures, the average ton of water and electricity consumption is reduced by 15%, among which, the feed pump is reformed. The unit consumption of ton water hoisting was decreased by 0.012 kW / m ~ 3; After automatic control of dissolved oxygen, the average air-water ratio decreased from 3.5 to 2.85, and the aeration unit consumption of water decreased by 0.012 kWhm3. After the combined treatment of excess sludge, the average solid content of the dewatering machine was increased from 6.4% to 10.9%. The average unit consumption of water treatment was reduced from 0.025 kWh/m3 to 0.021 kWh-m3.After the revamping, the average power consumption of the wastewater treatment plant was reduced to 0.239 kWh/m3. The annual operating cost is reduced by 1.49 million yuan by 0.042 kWhM / m3, and good results are obtained.
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