本文关键词:GaBi软件在环境影响评价中的应用 出处:《苏州科技学院》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: Ga Bi6.0软件 环境影响评价 生命周期评价 温室效应 富营养化
【摘要】:Ga Bi软件是由国际性的一家公司(PE公司)研究与开发,它是用来分析物质代谢和生命周期的软件。本论文在对国内外Ga Bi6.0软件于相关领域中的应用和环境影响评价相关资料的学习、总结的基础上,通过对Ga Bi6.0软件在具体环境影响评价案例中的应用,进而与导则规定的的环境影响评价方法在评价目的、评价范围、数据收集、评价指标、评价结论方面进行对比分析,具体结论如下:1、1t五金组合件(冲压件)产品生产整个过程的环境影响的主要类型是富营养化EP,占环境影响总值的38.55%;其次为酸化效应,占环境影响总值的32.16%,其余光化学烟雾、人体潜在毒性等环境影响值的总和占环境影响总值的29.29%。2、1t五金组合件(冲压件)产品生产整个过程中环境影响值最大的过程是喷塑工序,占影响总值的49.97%;切割、电焊、成型、检验、拼接、入库环境影响值相差不大,所占比例分别为11.74%、15.36%、8.64%、5.87%、4.64%、3.78%。3、通过生产不同阶段在环境影响不同类型中所占的比值分析对比,可以获知生产不同阶段对哪一个环境影响类型的效应相对较大。4、通过Ga Bi软件的分析,能够更加清晰看出生产工艺的喷塑环节对环境的影响最大,则建设单位在建设过程和运营过程中应更加关注该生产工序的稳定、安全运行。5、通过案例的环境影响评价,导则规定的环境影响评价方法与Ga Bi软件评价在评价范围、数据收集、评价指标上均不相同,评价目的、评价结论基本相同,但两类评价方法所得结论的定量程度存在差异,导则规定的环境影响评价方法所得定量化的结论主要考虑项目污染物的排放量,而Ga Bi软件评价方法所得定量化的结论主要考虑项目污染物的排放量对酸化效应(AP)、富营养化(EP)、光化学烟雾(POCP)、温室效应(GWP)、臭氧消耗(ODP)、人体潜在毒性(HTP)的影响大小,更深层次的分析项目对环境的影响。因此,在环境影响评价的过程中,运用Ga Bi软件,能更加深入的分析出项目建成后对环境的影响程度,从而更准确的分析出项目建设的可行性。
[Abstract]:Ga Bi software is a company of International (PE) research and development, it is used to analyze the metabolism and the life cycle of software. The application and evaluation environment at home and abroad on the Ga Bi6.0 software in related fields in the influence of the study of relevant information, on the basis of summing up, based on the application of Ga Bi6.0 software in the specific case of the environmental impact assessment, and guidelines for the regulation of environment impact evaluation method in the evaluation purpose, evaluation scope, data collection, evaluation index, evaluation results were analyzed, the main conclusions are as follows: 1,1t hardware components (Stamping) the main types of the environmental impact of the process of product production is the eutrophication of EP, accounting for 38.55% of the value of environmental impact; followed by acidification, accounting for 32.16% of the value of environmental impact, the photochemical smog, the sum of human potential toxic environmental impact value for environmental impact 29.29%.2,1t hardware components of gross (Stamping) production environment in the whole process of impact is the process of spray process, accounting for 49.97% of gross effect; cutting, welding, molding, inspection, assembly, storage environmental impact value is small, the proportion was 11.74%, 15.36%, 8.64%, 5.87%, 4.64%, 3.78%.3 and through the different stages of production in environmental impact analysis of different types of ratio, can learn the different stages of production to which an environmental impact type effect is relatively large.4, through the analysis of Ga Bi software, can more clearly see the effect of spray production process on the environment is the biggest, the construction unit should be more pay attention to the production process stability during the construction and operation process, the safe operation of.5, the environmental impact assessment of the case, the provisions of the guidelines for environmental impact assessment method and Ga Bi software in the evaluation The scope of data collection, evaluation indicators are not the same, the purpose of the evaluation, the evaluation results are basically the same, but there are differences in the evaluation methods of two kinds of quantitative conclusions, the provisions of the guidelines for environmental impact assessment method of the quantitative conclusion mainly consider the discharge of pollutants and the Ga project, Bi software evaluation method the quantitative conclusion the main consideration of the project emissions of pollutants on the effects of acidification, eutrophication (AP) (EP) (POCP), photochemical smog, greenhouse effect (GWP), ozone (ODP), human potential toxicity (HTP) the influence of the size effect, a deeper analysis of the project on the environment. Therefore, in the environmental impact the evaluation process, the use of Ga Bi software, can impact on the environment more in-depth analysis after the completion of the project, thus more accurate analysis of the feasibility of the project construction.
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