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发布时间:2018-01-09 23:05

  本文关键词:黄姜皂素废水预处理与废渣资源化利用的研究 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 皂素废水 絮凝 肥料 资源化利用

【摘要】:黄姜皂素加工工业的快速发展,不仅可以促进激素类药物产业的发展,同时可以带动黄姜种植业的发展,使当地农民脱贫致富。然而,在提取皂素过程中,会产生大量的高酸度废水和固体废渣,严重影响了我们赖以生存的环境,造成了一定程度的污染,阻碍了黄姜产业良好持续的发展。因此,研究一种可资源化利用黄姜皂素废水废渣的方法意义重大。西北农林科技大学改进的黄姜皂素清洁生产工艺中,提取1吨皂素会产生约300吨废水,7-8吨废渣。废物的主要特点:废水酸度高,有机物浓度高;废渣难以降解。以黄姜皂素生产过程当中产生的废水、废渣作为本试验对象,研究了制备无机肥和有机肥的工艺参数;由于皂素废弃物中,废水量远多于废渣量,仅将它们结合制备无机肥和有机肥不能将废水全部处理完,剩余的废水运用絮凝沉淀法处理,确定了最佳操作条件。试验研究结果表明:(1)分别将皂素废水蒸发浓缩为1/2、1/3、1/4、1/6、1/10不同的浓缩量,与废渣焚烧灰混合制肥。浓缩量为1/2、1/3、1/4时,浓缩物和废渣焚烧灰混合制得的肥料,钾含量分别为10.08%、14.03%、17.23%,其中浓缩量为1/4,黏度比较适合制作复混肥。10-10-10的复混肥配方:废水1t,浓缩至0.25t,0.05t KOH,0.195t的废渣焚烧灰,0.146t的尿素、0.095t磷酸二氢铵,也可根据不同作物需求作适当调整。(2)以黄姜皂素提取中产生的废水、废渣为原料,按配方:9.75L废水、0.42kg KOH、0.13kg尿素和6.5kg废渣、0.3kg磷酸氢二钾混合均匀,加入发酵菌剂发酵制备有机肥。经检测制得的有机肥料中,有机质、N、P、K指标均符合农业部有机肥标准。(3)进水pH小于1,COD为75160mg/L,研究了pH值(生石灰调节)、PAM、壳聚糖投加量对废水COD和沉降效率的影响。结果表明,最佳pH为8.5时,废水的COD由75160mg/L下降到63255mg/L,去除率为15.83%,最佳沉降时间50 min;PAM最佳投量为0.8mg/mL时,COD由63255mg/L下降到45423mg/L,去除率为28.19%,最佳沉降时间20min;壳聚糖最佳投加量为1.0 mg/mL时,COD由63255mg/L下降到46688mg/L,去除率为26.19%,最佳沉降时间25min。综合考虑处理效果和经济成本,PAM为废水处理较好的絮凝剂。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of diosgenin processing industry, not only can promote the development of hormone drugs industry, also can drive the development of yellow ginger planting, the local farmers out of poverty. However, in the process of extracting saponin, high acidity wastewater and solid waste generated, seriously affecting the survival of our environment, cause a certain degree of pollution, impeded the yellow ginger industry sustainable development. Therefore, research on a resource utilization method of diosgenin wastewater residue is significant. Ginger Zao Suqing clean production process improvement in Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, 1 tons of saponin extraction will produce about 300 tons of waste water, 7-8 tons of waste residue. The main characteristics of waste the wastewater with high acidity, high concentration of organic compounds; waste residue produced by wastewater is difficult to be degraded. The Diosgenin production process, waste residue as the test object, studied the preparation of inorganic and organic fertilizer The process parameters of fertilizer; due to saponin waste, waste water amount is far more than the amount of waste, only the combined preparation of inorganic fertilizer and organic wastewater can not be processed all, the remaining wastewater using flocculation treatment, the optimal operation conditions were determined. The results show that: (1) the saponin wastewater evaporation as the mass concentration of 1/2,1/3,1/4,1/6,1/10, and waste incineration ash mixed fertilizer. The mass concentration of 1/2,1/3,1/4, concentrate and waste incineration ash mixed fertilizer, potassium content were 10.08%, 14.03%, 17.23%, of which the mass concentration of 1/4, the viscosity is suitable for compound fertilizer formula fertilizer wastewater:.10-10-10 1t, 0.25t 0.05T KOH, to concentrate, 0.195t waste incineration ash, 0.146t urea, two 0.095t ammonium hydrogen phosphate, can be adjusted according to the different needs of crops. (2) to extract diosgenin wastewater from waste residue produced in the original The material, according to the formula: 0.42kg KOH, 9.75L wastewater, 0.13kg urea and 6.5kg residue, 0.3KG two potassium hydrogen phosphate mixed evenly, adding fermentation agent was prepared by fermentation of organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizer prepared by detection, organic matter, N, P, K indicators are in line with the Ministry of agriculture organic fertilizer standard (3) water. PH is less than 1, COD 75160mg/L, of pH value (lime regulation), PAM, chitosan dosage effect on wastewater COD and settling efficiency. The results show that the optimum pH is 8.5, the COD of the wastewater decreased from 75160mg/L to 63255mg/L, the removal rate was 15.83%, the best settling time 50 min; PAM the best dosage of 0.8mg/mL, COD decreased from 63255mg/L to 45423mg/L, the removal rate was 28.19%, the best settling time 20min; chitosan dosage was 1 mg/mL, COD decreased from 63255mg/L to 46688mg/L, the removal rate was 26.19%, the best settling time 25min. considering the treatment effect and economic cost for wastewater PAM A better flocculant.



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