本文关键词:工业区下游河道(淡水河)水环境综合改善效果分析与评价 出处:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 淡水河 环境整治 水环境评价 水生态评价 生态风险
[Abstract]:The Tamsui River is a first grade tributary of the Xizhijiang River and a secondary tributary of the Dongjiang River, whose water quality is related to the safety of drinking water for tens of millions of people. The Tanshui River, which is located in the downstream of the industrial area, was once seriously polluted and lost its basic river function in recent years. With the provincial and municipal governments have taken a series of measures in the basin, the water environment of the Tanshui River basin has been greatly improved. This paper is in the Tanshui River Basin (Tanshui River, Xizhijiang River). Dongjiang was used to monitor water environment (conventional physical and chemical indexes, heavy metals, organic matter) and aquatic ecology (phytoplankton, zooplankton). Benthos and fish) two aspects of the comprehensive study of the basin water environment, identify the basin water environment risk, analysis of the effectiveness of regulation, water quality risk prediction. The main research results are as follows: water quality comprehensive index method and eutrophication evaluation show that the water quality in the upper and lower reaches of the basin is deteriorating gradually. Nitrogen and phosphorus is the main pollution source. 2) heavy metal index: the heavy metal content in surface water is acceptable. The results of soil accumulation index method and potential ecological risk index method showed that copper and mercury pollution was more serious, manganese and chromium pollution level was relatively low. Nickel, chromium, manganese and lead come from the developed electronic electroplating industry, while mercury and copper come from other industries. 3) Organic indicators: high concentrations of nonylphenol and bisphenol A can be widely detected in the basin. Surface water and sediment ecological characterization showed that some of the point nonylphenol and bisphenol A showed high ecological risk. 4) Water ecological index: phytoplankton. Population structure and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of zooplankton and benthos. The three indices of Margalef richness index indicated that there was some pollution in the basin. The analysis of heavy metal content in fish showed that the main environmental factors affecting the phytoplankton survival were water temperature pH and nutrients. The results showed that the main environmental factors affecting the survival of phytoplankton in the freshwater river were water temperature pH and nutrients. Heavy metals and organic pollution have not caused serious impact on phytoplankton growth in the basin through a series of measures such as emission reduction, ecological control, environmental management and so on, the water quality has improved in recent years. However, there are still some potential risks, such as high nutrient concentration, sediment pollution release and high organic concentration. The water quality safety of the Dongjiang main stream may be threatened by the Tanshui River.
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