发布时间:2018-01-11 05:29
本文关键词:盐酸吗啉胍在水稻田中的残留消解动态及其水解 出处:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:盐酸吗啉胍又名病毒灵,是一种广谱、低毒病毒防治剂[4],其主要功用是抑制病毒繁殖增殖,起到防治病毒的作用。在农业应用中是一种可以起防治水稻黑条矮缩病的杀菌剂。通过田间试验和实验室分析对盐酸吗啉胍在稻田环境中的残留消解行为进行研究,主要是其在稻田土壤、田水、水稻植株的消解动态,以及其在稻杆、稻田土壤、稻米、稻壳中的残留量;探索盐酸吗啉胍在不同条件下的水解效果。论文主要有以下内容:(1)建立了适用于盐酸吗啉胍在稻田水、稻田土壤、植株或稻杆、稻米、稻壳的高效、简便、快速、准确的HCLP检测方法。盐酸吗啉胍标准溶液浓度(x, mg/L)在0.10-10.08mg/L范围时对应的峰面积(y, mAU)呈良好线性相关性,标样线性方程为:y=160.83X+2.5164,相关系数为:r=0.9992。盐酸吗啉胍在各类样品中的平均加标回收率为84.7%-103.1%,RSD为0.86%-9.4%。方法最小检出量为1.0×10-9 g,最低检出浓度在稻米、稻壳、植株中为0.025 mg/kg,土壤中为0.0375 mg/kg,田水中为0.010 mg/L。(2)5%盐酸吗啉胍在稻田水、稻田土壤、水稻植株中的降解均可用一级化学反应动力学方程式:Ct=Coe-kt来拟合试验数据,计算出盐酸吗啉胍在稻田水中的消解半衰期在2.18d-14.52d之间,平均消解半衰期为6.92 d。在稻田土壤中的消解半衰期在8.07d-20.81d之间,平均的消解半衰期为13.99d。在水稻植株中的消解半衰期在2.73 d-10.91 d之间,平均的消解半衰期为7.65d。(3)根据农药残留试验结果推荐盐酸吗啉胍在糙米中的MRL值为3 mg/kg。将盐酸吗啉胍5%水剂按推荐使用剂量222.5 g/hm2(有效成分:196.6 g/hm2)兑水稀释至675L/hm2,施药3次,施药间隔期为7d,在最后一次施药后10d以上收获的水稻糙米中盐酸吗啉胍残留量最高为0.972 mg/kg,低于拟推荐的MRL值(参考值3.0 mg/kg),故在距最后一次施药后的10d以上收获的水稻糙米是可安全食用的。(4)pH、温度、初始浓度、腐殖酸、尿素、磷酸氢钙、Cu~(2+)均对盐酸吗啉胍水解有不同影响。在pH偏碱性、温度较高、初始浓度较低的条件下,盐酸吗啉胍更容易发生水解;腐殖酸对盐酸吗啉胍水解的影响是呈倒U型的,尿素、磷酸氢钙、Cu~(2+)对盐酸吗啉胍水解存在不同程度的促进作用。
[Abstract]:ABOB aka virus spirit, is a broad-spectrum, low toxicity and virus prevention agent [4], its main function is to inhibit the proliferation of virus propagation, to control the virus. In agricultural application is a kind of can control rice black streaked dwarf disease fungicide. Through field experiment and laboratory analysis were used to study residue behavior of Moroxydine hydrochloride in paddy field, mainly in the paddy soil, paddy water, degradation of rice, and the rice straw, paddy soil, rice, residue in rice hull; exploration of Moroxydine Hydrochloride in different conditions. The effect of hydrolysis of the main contents are as follows: (1) was established for Moroxydine Hydrochloride in paddy water, soil, plant or straw, rice husk, efficient, simple, rapid, accurate method for the detection of HCLP. The concentration of Moroxydine Hydrochloride Standard Solution (x, mg/L) in the range of 0.10-10.08mg/L The peak area (y, mAU) showed a good linear correlation, standard linear equation was y=160.83X+2.5164, correlation coefficient: r=0.9992. guanidine hydrochloride in various samples with the recovery of 84.7%-103.1%, RSD is 0.86%-9.4%. the minimum detectable amount to 1 * 10-9 g, the minimum detectable concentration in rice husk. 0.025 mg/kg plants, 0.0375 mg/kg in soil, paddy water was 0.010 mg/L. (2) 5% Moroxydine Hydrochloride in paddy water and paddy soil, the degradation of rice plants are available in a chemical reaction kinetics equation: Ct=Coe-kt to fit the experimental data, the calculated ABOB half-life in water in the rice fields between 2.18d-14.52d, the average half-life of 6.92 D. in paddy soil half-life of between 8.07d-20.81d, the average half-life of 13.99d. in rice plants in the elimination half-life in 2.73 d-10. solution 91 D, the average half-life of 7.65d. (3) according to the recommendation of Moroxydine Hydrochloride in Rice Test of pesticide residues MRL 3 mg/kg. guanidine hydrochloride 5% agent according to the recommended dose of 222.5 g/hm2 (effective ingredients: 196.6 g/hm2) diluted to 675L/hm2, application of drugs 3 times spraying interval 7d, in rice after the last application of 10d above the harvest of Moroxydine Hydrochloride in residues of up to 0.972 mg/kg, lower than to recommend the MRL value (reference value of 3 mg/kg), brown rice in the distance above the last application of 10d after harvest is safe to eat. (4) pH, temperature, initial concentration, humic acid, urea, calcium phosphate, Cu~ (2+) have different effects on ABOB hydrolysis. Higher temperature in alkaline pH, and lower initial concentration under the condition of Moroxydine Hydrochloride is more prone to hydrolysis; humic acid hydrolysis of Moroxydine Hydrochloride. The reaction was inverted U, and urea, calcium hydrogen phosphate and Cu~ (2+) promoted the hydrolysis of morpholine hydrochloric acid to different degrees.
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